shortcuts in a sentence 2

Use ‘shortcuts’ in a sentence | ‘shortcuts’ example sentences

51- The song’s lyrics are full of poetry and mental shortcuts.

52- For example, some shortcuts on the desktop may be changed to link to pornography websites instead.

53- The Wedge made disk operations in BASIC 2.0 significantly easier by introducing several keyword shortcuts.

54- Previous codifications by private publishers were useful shortcuts for research purposes, but had no official status.

55- The resources, intellectual capital, stamina, and self-awareness mobilized when it counts attest there are no shortcuts when analyzing and reporting complex truths.

56- All shortcuts require the Control key to be pressed.

57- 7. You can define shortcuts of your own for the frequently required words and phrases.

58- Opie is highly optimized for mobile devices and tries to support the user with shortcuts and ease of use.

59- Tab completion and keyboard shortcuts are available, for example ALT+window-number jumps to a particular window.

60- PiTiVi has the ability to step through a piece of media using scrubbers or keyboard shortcuts.

61- The game is played via a point-and-click, icon-driven interface in combination with keyboard shortcuts.

62- These include information-processing shortcuts ( heuristics ), motivational factors and social influence.

63- SYS was that it allowed for the remapping of any key on the keyboard in order to perform shortcuts or macros for complex instructions.

64- These are like virtual folders that contain links to the original files (unlike shortcuts, these actually deal with the files directly).

65- Dabbawalas are generally well accustomed to the local areas they cater to, and use shortcuts and other low profile routes to deliver their goods on time.

66- MusEdit acts like a “word-processor for music”, with a system of keyboard shortcuts and a “symbols toolbox” allowing music and text to be entered quickly and easily.

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