shortcuts in a sentence

Use ‘shortcuts’ in a sentence | ‘shortcuts’ example sentences

1- It takes conscious effort to break those shortcuts .

2- A number of keyboard shortcuts are available.

3- Keyboard shortcuts become important for advanced players.

4- And fighting through screens means not taking shortcuts .

5- Examples of useful shortcuts are discussed here .

6- The list of keyboard shortcuts is overwhelming.

7- We all need shortcuts in making decisions.

8- The weighing of relevant considerations is subjected to shortcuts .

9- It is often easier to take shortcuts .

10- They took shortcuts in worship and sacrifices.

11- See below for keyboard shortcuts for finding cards.

12- They provide the user with extensive keyboard shortcuts .

13- For power users, have those keyboard shortcuts available.

14- Visual Basic 6 did not provide common operator shortcuts .

15- My shortcuts , especially, change frequently.

16- The visual modeler action bar contains shortcuts to business process elements.

17- We cannot offer shortcuts to enlightenment.

18- What are some of the keyboard shortcuts ?

19- Daily practicing is hard work with no shortcuts .

20- Americans speak fast, they like shortcuts .

21- Keyboard shortcuts all work as normal too.

22- They recognize that there are no technical shortcuts .

23- Many apps use the top app bar to provide shortcuts .

24- Use keyboard shortcuts to work even faster.

25- Kit shortcuts were released on June 16 for consoles.

26- A variety of new keyboard shortcuts have been introduced.

27- Keyboard shortcuts and mouse gestures are ways to achieve this.

28- These shortcuts may then be used in node type tags.

29- Computer keyboard especially used in conjunction with Keyboard shortcuts .

30- The application features the main activity with quick shortcuts and navigation.

31- Added a variety of new keyboard shortcuts .

32- But this shortcuts available in some browsers.

33- See the full selection of shortcuts it enables below .

34- Human beings take shortcuts and believe in stereotypes .

35- All 3 are good with the keyboard shortcuts .

36- Here’s how to create useful shortcuts .

37- It is possible to program other shortcuts and phrases.

38- Use public walkways, avoid shortcuts , dark or secluded places.

39- Though the Way is quite broad People love shortcuts .

40- The ” True Power User” using keyboard shortcuts is happy. It’s a fiddle going to and fro between the keyboard and mouse so are there shortcuts to allow operation using only the keyboard?

41- After that, you can add shortcuts to favorite folders (local and network).

42- Apple says that the keyboard shortcuts will also work with Bluetooth keyboards.

43- We must resist the lazy shortcuts of cynicism and approach him with respect and decency.”

44- On the home screen, pressing on an icon opens a pop-up window with shortcuts for that app.

45- If they don’t add anything more than home screen shortcuts, then it won’t have a big impact.

46- On the Ultimate, two icons here offered shortcuts to the Activities menu and favorite channels.

47- 106861Beyond that, you can look forward to enjoying new shortcuts, better predictions and more.

48- Users of Microsoft Windows can use these shortcuts by holding down the ALT key and pressing the shortcut letter key.

49- There are a number of shortcuts that involve using either the Ctrl or the Alt key together with a second key.

50- The SBB was considering the fact that the carbon black on the insulators of the catenary could lead to shortcuts when very high voltage was used.

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