shortcut in a sentence 2

Use ‘shortcut’ in a sentence | ‘shortcut’ example sentences

51- The cases feature a shortcut button that will launch favorite apps, such as the camera.

52- A lot of the time, people want to take the shortcut and go around it–they are in a rush.

53- This is the companion shortcut for the commonly used Command + A shortcut for select all.

54- US Army researchers could soon have a robotic shortcut to improving those skills, however.

55- Unnecessary surgery may occur due to greed, incompetence, fear, or attempts to take a shortcut.

56- Opera Mini supports shortcut keys, skins, and a web feed aggregator .

57- The shortcut keys must include one or more of the SHIFT, CTRL and ALT keys plus one other.

58- Users of Microsoft Windows can use these shortcuts by holding down the ALT key and pressing the shortcut letter key.

59- Click under Press new shortcut key , then hold down the Alt key on your keyboard while you press the letter e .

60- These have now also discovered the tunnel as a ‘shortcut‘.

61- Each button click or shortcut key results in a new command/event object.

62- The Panama route provided a shortcut for getting from the East Coast to California and a brisk maritime trade developed, featuring fast clipper ships.

63- A meaning of term “keyboard shortcut” can vary depending on software manufacturer.

64- There’s also a camera shortcut, and the toggle can be programmed to give one-touch access to four user-defined functions.

65- The users must then to switch between maximized applications using the Alt+Tab keyboard shortcut; no alternative with the mouse except for de-maximize.

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