shortcut in a sentence

Use ‘shortcut’ in a sentence | ‘shortcut’ example sentences

1- It takes conscious effort to break those shortcuts .

2- A number of keyboard shortcuts are available.

3- Keyboard shortcuts become important for advanced players.

4- And fighting through screens means not taking shortcuts .

5- Examples of useful shortcuts are discussed here .

6- The list of keyboard shortcuts is overwhelming.

7- The second shortcut is what makes it interesting.

8- We all need shortcuts in making decisions.

9- Those attributes are a shortcut to happiness.

10- The weighing of relevant considerations is subjected to shortcuts .

11- We feel something click on the shortcut anxiety.

12- It is often easier to take shortcuts .

13- They took shortcuts in worship and sacrifices.

14- See below for keyboard shortcuts for finding cards.

15- The shortcut approaches work best for corporate bonds without embedded options.

16- I took a shortcut through the university campus.

17- The working directory attribute of this shortcut is ignored.

18- He invented sort & graph as a shortcut .

19- There is no shortcut to spiritual growth.

20- They provide the user with extensive keyboard shortcuts .

21- Market based valuation provides a shortcut to valuation .

22- If you will strike electric shield shortcut happens .

23- The second widget is only a shortcut bar .

24- I took a ” shortcut ” to college.

25- These days many keyboards come with special shortcut keys.

26- This type is provided as a syntactic shortcut .

27- There is no shortcut to improving artistic skill.

28- If the shortcut is zero an empty string is returned.

29- For power users, have those keyboard shortcuts available.

30- Visual Basic 6 did not provide common operator shortcuts .

31- This approach is hardly a simple shortcut , though.

32- I’ve used a more interesting shortcut here.

33- Answer: The shortcut table is quite crowded.

34- My shortcuts , especially, change frequently.

35- Is simple, almost epic, nice shortcut .

36- The visual modeler action bar contains shortcuts to business process elements.

37- We cannot offer shortcuts to enlightenment.

38- What are some of the keyboard shortcuts ?

39- Daily practicing is hard work with no shortcuts .

40- Americans speak fast, they like shortcuts . There is no shortcut to success.

41- I’ll take a shortcut across the garden.

42- He took great pains to find a shortcut.

43- I took the shortcut back to the woods, locked my shelter, and opened the basket.

44- We won’t be able to arrive at the harbor in time.

45- Let’s take a shortcut.

46- There is a small path behind the houses which the children can take as a shortcut to the elementary school.

47- Some people seem to have this notion in their heads that there is some shortcut you can take to learn a language quickly, and it simply isn’t true.

48- 282627He said: I don’t think there is a shortcut to winning Iowa.”””

49- And I believe he chose and made the decision to do the shortcut, Harmes said.

50- 659483Technology isn’t going to give you an easy shortcut in that process.”””

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