serapes in a sentence

Use ‘serapes’ in a sentence | ‘serapes’ example sentences

1- Navajo blankets lay on the floor , Mexican serapes were flung carelessly over the armchairs.

2- Men generally dressed more scantily in skirts made of hide, but also wore serapes (shawls) in cold weather.

3- In the 1920s, upper-class homes were still mostly arranged in European style, with the middle and lower classes adorning their homes with crafts such as serapes from Oaxaca.

4- As one expert expresses it, “Classic Navajo serapes at their finest equal the delicacy and sophistication of any pre-mechanical loom-woven textile in the world.

5- Another market for crafts is the Casa de Artesanias in front of the Temple of San Agustin, which sells wool serapes , masks, Huichol figures, wood boxes, ceramics and more.

6- On the inside , the custom work continues, with a stock woodgrain dash (the burlwood of which sadly doesn’t match the outside panels) facing seats that look like they were fashioned from Mexican party serapes .

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