serape in a sentence

Use ‘serape’ in a sentence | ‘serape’ example sentences

1- Locals claim that the serape was invented here.

2- Ashley drew the soft wool of her serape closer around her neck.

3- Dressed in a serape and sombrero, he is an incredibly fast draw.

4- Navajo blankets lay on the floor , Mexican serapes were flung carelessly over the armchairs.

5- Curl up in a serape and listen to the strum of a Spanish guitar.

6- The fringed ends of her serape flying behind her, Ashley set briskly off past the motorhomes.

7- Lone Wolf, supporting the Kiowa Chiefs, pulled a rifle out from under his blanket serape and pointed it at Sherman.

8- He glanced sideways, his gaze travelling from her honey-blonde head and down the violet cashmere serape which topped a black turtle-neck sweater and pencil-slim leggings.

9- After having been there three days I saw through the door a man whom, from his light hair, I took to be an American, although he was clad in the wild picturesque garb of a native Californian, including serape and the huge spurs used by the vaquero.

10- The dancers wear carved wooden masks, with a headdress made of ixtle, a serape , embroidered shawl and multicolored ribbons, carrying maracas.

11- In the 1920s, upper-class homes were still mostly arranged in European style, with the middle and lower classes adorning their homes with crafts such as serapes from Oaxaca.

12- A soldier of Frémont’s was seen wearing the elder Berreyesa’s serape , and Frémont refused to assist José de los Santos Berreyesa in retrieving it as a final token of their father to give to their mother.

13- Yammi looks and sounds similar to Sammy, but has a slight Hispanic accent, a black moustache and eyebrows, and a purple serape .

14- A skit heard numerous times on radio, and seen many times on television, had Mel Blanc as a Mexican in a sombrero and serape sitting on a bench.

15- Another market for crafts is the Casa de Artesanias in front of the Temple of San Agustin, which sells wool serapes , masks, Huichol figures, wood boxes, ceramics and more.

16- Ever since I saw the serape upholstered chairs at The Line in LA , I’ve been wanting to do something similar; and now we see a fine example at A Beautiful Mess (below).

17- On the inside , the custom work continues, with a stock woodgrain dash (the burlwood of which sadly doesn’t match the outside panels) facing seats that look like they were fashioned from Mexican party serapes .

18- There were no souvenirs to buy here, some of the women and men did buy serapes and shawls and wore them at the evening banquet.

19- Next came the California pioneers with a banner on which was represented a New Englander in the act of stepping ashore and facing a native Californian with lasso and serape .

20- Pasquale Buba as Biker (wearing serape )

21- I’m interested in making an underquilt/ serape and would like to use, if possible, pertex quantum and polarguard delta, but have no idea where I might source these materials.

22- serape

23- serape Dressed in a serape and sombrero he is an incredibly fast draw.

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