sensors in a sentence 2

Use ‘sensors’ in a sentence | ‘sensors’ example sentences

51- The micro-sensors are super-glued onto the backs of the bees as “backpacks”.

52- What looks like someone’s left eye blinks to reveal a ring of camera sensors.

53- It’s joined by all new slimmer keypads, smart sensors, smart plugs and others.

54- What almost anyone can do, though, is fool a smart-home security hub’s sensors.

55- Apple is driving vans filled with sensors in Brooklyn and San Francisco suburbs.

56- Hassan’s EEG Cap Analyzer uses sensors to measure and alert users to drowsiness.

57- The best part may be that these sensors would be very cheap, at about 20 cents each.

58- Enhanced vision uses infrared sensors that work like “X-ray vision” through bad weather.

59- sensors could be added to the steering wheel and pedals to pick up a driver’s movements.

60- To get the most complete picture, the breeders need data from as many sensors as possible.

61- Dynamax Imaging is a high-tech company specializing in the manufacturing of image sensors.

62- Then there’s a dress that uses special ink and sensors to change color based on the weather.

63- The automaker is also recalling more than half a million trucks to fix faulty impact sensors.

64- “These cameras have large sensors capable of very high-resolution imaging at high frame rates.

65- 183727Dealers will replace the occupant restraint control computer or the side impact sensors.

66- Half the prize money will go to the two teams with the most accurate, rugged and stable sensors.

67- MindMaze’s prototype gaming system combines virtual reality, motion tracking, and neural sensors.

68- Those sensors are also exposed, a bit like they were on Oculus’ Crystal Cove prototype at CES 2014.

69- 400770It’ll regulate temperature on its own or give you room-by-room control with satellite sensors.

70- Bandokar thinks the technology, called enzymatic sensors, could serve a wide range of real world uses.

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