sensually in a sentence

Use ‘sensually’ in a sentence | ‘sensually’ example sentences

1- The song was described as a ” sensually engaging ballad.

2- Imagine having an experience that is sensually pleasing.

3- Your fingers press the numbers, almost sensually .

4- Gyrating sensually to Rock music in tight pants?

5- We are looking at raising the bar in every sense – emotionally and sensually .

6- Akami turned slowly to regard Shiori with slightly hooded, sensually dark eyes.

7- We experience them directly , physically and sensually , as well as through pictures.

8- Then, splayed sensually , his fingers stroked her nipples into agonised peaks.

9- Singles and couples dance sensually and sometimes a cloud of generated smoke covers the dance floor.

10- Wait 2 days and spend another one touching each other sensually –everywhere but the genitals.

11- She then bursts into “Lace and Leather” and performs sensually for him.

12- Ideas that are sensually perceived, however, are not dependent on the observer’s will.

13- Sensual level is the common ground that we share and we consider sensually gathered information as reliable.

14- Slowly and sensually he traced the outline of her lips with the tip of his tongue.

15- These works are at once sensually compelling and incorporeal – “out-of-body”, so to speak.

16- She was sensually silly, a comical icon of fertility, and friendliness that threatened no one.

17- sensually as well as philosophically , Tokyo Waka is attuned to the textures of everyday life.

18- It is the same whether a man eat, or drink, or cohabit, or sleep sensually .

19- In Luke 7 Jesus allows a “fallen” woman sensually to wash, kiss and massage his feet.

20- Clearly an album for Kristy Thirsk enthusiasts, listeners will be captured by her sensually pure vocal clarity.

21- Goldman claims that art takes us to other worlds in a manner that is quite fulfilling sensually and aesthetically.

22- It began with him lying back as his mother worked her mouth sensually up and down his hard cock.

23- Sung with orchestral style progressive instrumental arrangements, the vocals are sung sensually combining operatic excursions with Kate Bush accessibility.

24- The album concludes with a piano-based ballad called “Birthday” evocatively and sensually sung with gently soaring vocal excursions.

25- As they slowly and sensually get to know each other, the people around them begin to notice also.

26- And amongst the many products graphene can built, Manchester looks set to create safer and ” sensually superior” condoms.

27- There, she befriends the mysterious Marguerite Heller, an erotic photographer with a tantalizing taste for the sensually unusual.

28- During this period, Mae’s sensually pure vocal quality led her to begin an extremely successful studio session singing career.

29- Despite wearing business suits, her character was known to climb on top of the announcers’ table and dance sensually .

30- The upper section of the instrument panel seems to float sensually in front of the dashboard as a so-called top layer .

31- His days there were filled with a sensually depicted Africa – vivid in all of its sights and smells and tastes.

32- The stripper is a man; an English country gentleman who sensually undresses and goes to bed in a love scene.

33- Face to face and sensually bedecked with crochet, Le Dauphin et La Dauphine admire one another as if they were lovers.

34- If you don’t think that The Jets’ “You Got It All” is nausea inducing, wait until you see the slow, sensually close dancing of Michael Caine and Lorraine Gary that accompanies it.

35- Grinning, she took up a seductive pose and started to wriggle her hips for him, swirling round sensually and then slowly undoing the clasp at her back.

36- This is revealed in the celebrated scene where Martha, apparently thinking she’s alone in the house, picks up Ethan’s uniform and sensually hugs it to herself, burying her face in the cloth.

37- Archimago is sensually tempted and easily fooled because, like all of Spenser’s heroes (with the exception of Arthur), he is subject to human failings.

38- An upbeat rock number with a very memorable melody, “Bleed Into Me” blends rhythmic electric guitar and the lushest vocal harmonies of the album with Michelle’s sensually sung crystalline lead vocal. Nellie is also hardened sensually by the war.

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