sends in a sentence

Use ‘sends’ in a sentence | ‘sends’ example sentences

1- This legal measure sends a firm message.

2- LinkedIn sends weekly progress reports along with recommendations.

3- The heart sends blood around your body.

4- McNamara sends a police car off straight away.

5- Foreign outsourcing sends production to countries where labor costs are lower.

6- A “radio communication system” sends signals by radio.

7- A radio communication system sends signals by radio.

8- The resulting explosion sends chunks of plutonium flying across several acres.

9- This network sends variable length data packets reliably at high speed.

10- He only sends money every blue moon.

11- The control channel sends a continual data stream.

12- Base change sends group schemes to group schemes.

13- An expression can include multiple message sends .

14- Even control structures are implemented as message sends .

15- That always sends a nice “nonpartisan” message.

16- Google sends three different message types : 1.

17- Police brutality video sends shock wave through Belgium .

18- It sends a primordial scream right down my spine.

19- A white shirt sends a clean breeze towards us.

20- This organization trains and sends families to different areas.

21- The website sends me notifications of comments.

22- The thought sends a shock through my spine.

23- It sends me “running” to evacuate.

24- The average worker sends and receives 190 messages per day.

25- I agree that rap music sends kids the wrong message.

26- How leaders carry themselves daily sends messages to those they lead.

27- A political party sends registered mail to addresses of registered voters.

28- Your silence sends a message that police brutality is acceptable.

29- Ashley emotionally agrees and sends her home.

30- Each group sends representatives to an area committee.

31- John sends his children to boarding school.

32- The train sends back an acknowledgement telegram.

33- Your child benefit fund sends you this form.

34- The program sends more than 350 students abroad every year.

35- Off the shoulder sends a specific message.

36- He says though centre sends huge money to the state.

37- Head sends children home because of teacher shortage.

38- She sends her very best wishes to everyone.

39- Strong and harsh punishment sends a message .

40- Not paying sends a message to companies . The camera sends a picture of the stomach and abdominal cavity to a video monitor.

41- The news media, an apparatus of the systemic, sends messages of self-destruction, self-abasement , complacency and inertia to Black Americans-by black apostates.

42- The sun sends out light.

43- My brother sends you his regards.

44- My husband sends his best regards to you.

45- The fountain sends hot water to a height of feet.

46- The sun sends out an incredible amount of heat and light.

47- mcqThe bank sends you your canceled checks with your statement at the end of each month.

48- My neighbor sends his kids to some fancy private school that costs thousands of dollars a year.

49- British Columbia sends raw logs overseas, where they are turned into fine furniture, and sold back to us.

50- When I hear someone singing opera, it sends shivers down my spine, and I could cry from the beauty of it.

More Sentences: 1234
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