sends in a sentence 3

Use ‘sends’ in a sentence | ‘sends’ example sentences

101- It makes me sick, and it sends a very wrong message about what consent really means, Bowman said.

102- It sends a very positive message to the Iraqi people and lifts the spirit of the security forces.

103- It then processes that data and sends it to an architectural lighting control,” Barnard continued.

104- It then sends automatically generated reports to the companies, in simple, understandable language.

105- Yarmouth area deck collapse sends 12 teens to hospital She said the day started off on a happy note.

106- Or a buffoon who sends his goons around to a London hairdresser who dared to poke fun at his haircut.

107- Westwood also had a graduation rate of 100 percent and sends 96.2 percent of its students to college.

108- Even De’s wife was puzzled by his decision to work for “the agency that sends astronauts into space.”

109- NUI currently sends three members to the Seanad.

110- Base change sends group schemes to group schemes.

111- “UNC sends Alliance a message”, The Virginian-Pilot.

112- Emile sends Fisher to Cozumel to blow up a cruise ship.

113- He sends her away until she can “appreciate” what she has.

114- Meanwhile, Franck sends Bruno to the bar to buy cigarettes.

115- MacGregor sends Mary and the guests away to the banquet hall.

116- Under WDM, DirectSound sends data to the software-based KMixer.

117- Spider-Man sends her to Paris to avoid being captured for being pregnant.

118- Crowley sends a horde of demons, and the boys and Bobby are forced to flee.

119- Solving both problems generally sends the price out of range for most sailors.

120- OUTPUT command sends a message, while INPUT statements define the expected messages.

121- Valparaiso University also sends a resident professor to teach and facilitate the program.

122- Dr. Magrew, who wants revenge, takes Blade and Tunneler to Joey’s house, and sends them to kill him.

123- Jimmy sends Harry a message in the form of low-life hit man Earl Crowe but Harry is faster with a gun.

124- This is confirmed when a gentleman in a fur coat (number Four) sends him a letter saying ‘You are wise’.

125- This discovery sends Brianna back through time on a mission to save her parents and sends Roger after her.

126- 2: Samurize – Malcolm creates the Blink virus and sends it into the police files in order to cause a false arrest.

127- The sender sends an IM to the receiver, then the original sender has to wait for the IM from the original receiver to react.

128- Andrew accidentally sends an email to all of the Lassiter’s Hotel clients telling them the hotel no longer wants their business.

129- Also adding, “The increase in arrests is encouraging and sends a clear message to people that behaving badly will not be tolerated.

130- Kilopatra sends the pair off to pay a visit to local mob-king Philly O’Fisch, as it was he who sent the two heavies after Kilopatra.

131- The pars media sends axons to the matrix compartment of the sensorimotor striatum through an important bundle (François et al. 1991).

132- He sends Akshay Kumar, who fights skillfully against him but is no match for Hanuman’s sheer strength, and is literally mashed into pieces.

133- A freak lightning bolt strikes a particle accelerator linked to the machine, and the resulting catastrophe sends Cole to a “parallel world”.

134- Orm kills a witch’s family on the land, and later half-converts to a Christian, but quarrels with the local priest and sends him off the land.

135- Vivian Alamain takes advantage of Carly’s fragile state, drugs her and then sends a picture of her passed out on the floor to everyone in town.

136- Skroob sends Dark Helmet ( Moranis ) to complete this task with Spaceball One, an impossibly huge ship helmed by Colonel Sandurz ( George Wyner ).

137- In Norway Jarman sends a friend with the watch to Lilly, but soon discovers that there is a mystery attached to it, including an unsolved murder.

138- The noblemen mock Wolsey, and the Cardinal sends his follower Cromwell away so that Cromwell will not be brought down in Wolsey’s fall from grace.

139- Romayne, who is still haunted by the duel, sends Major Hynd to enquire about the family of the man he killed in hopes of assisting them monetarily.

140- John sends Doc to Eagle’s nest to find Sanchez and Sam. Upon his arrival Doc finds Sanchez tied tied to a tower upside down and Sam locked in a cell.

141- He sends Ross, under the alias of Kevin Oldman, to Earth to vote in favor of the Robotic Rights Bill, promising amnesty for his and Armitage’s previous crime.

142- Bobby and Alder witness what they think is the Bronx Massacre when Naymeer sends 12 people, including Mark and Courtney, into the flume to an unknown destination.

143- I feel I did the right thing by violating this particular law; I am guilty as charged,” but that pleading not guilty sends a message of, “Guilt implies wrong-doing.

144- The Speakers Bureau also sends volunteer speakers to schools and other educational networks to address stereotypes and to help change the reality in which our young people live.

145- NTKERN creates IRPs and sends them to WDM drivers.

146- She sends Thomas to the house to break up the Five.

147- Nancy sends Andy away, gives Emma a stern talking to.

148- ‘ He even sends a subtly threatening letter to Flory.

149- Hong Kong also sends a separate team to the Olympics.

More Sentences: 1234
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