seminar room in a sentence

Use ‘seminar room’ in a sentence | ‘seminar room’ example sentences

1- Two group seminar rooms overlook Route 13.

2- It also houses a seminar room for conferences.

3- The building now houses offices, classrooms and seminar rooms .

4- There are a couple of seminar rooms available on this level.

5- The building also contains a large lecture hall and several seminar rooms .

6- JE has two seminar rooms adjacent to its libraries.

7- Anyways , in the seminar room was a poster.

8- The Craig Knight room is a seminar room which seats 16 people.

9- Twenty one classrooms, three seminar rooms and a computer lab are available.

10- Each classroom and seminar room is also equipped with a multimedia projection system.

11- The seminar room is equipped with audio and video equipment for group presentations.

12- Speaking to 30 people in a seminar room is a better acoustic fit.

13- In December 1933, Nazi officials stood outside Köhler’s seminar room .

14- The library, faculty offices, and seminar rooms fill the quieter upper floors.

15- Classroom facilities include a lecture hall, seminar room , and ample presentation space.

16- Down The Road, a nearby pub became their after hours seminar room .

17- Colleges have academic schools, lecture theatres, seminar rooms and halls of residence.

18- The CIC has a main hall, six training suites, and five seminar rooms .

19- The area next to the seminar room on the first floor held the library.

20- seminar rooms have been added to the Jimmy McIlroy stand for lectures and classes.

21- Erm, two o’clock absolutely promptly, please, at your seminar rooms .

22- Most of the stacks, study areas, lecture halls and seminar rooms are located underground.

23- Undergraduate and Postgraduate lecture theatres, seminar rooms , teaching and project laboratories are all here.

24- Seminars will be conducted in three seminar rooms , fly tying center and the casting pond.

25- The venue is seminar room One on the ground floor of the Faculty of Law.

26- The class will be held in a seminar room , 215 for each of these days.

27- Inside the building are state-of-the-art classrooms, seminar rooms , computer facilities, learning spaces and laboratories.

28- Note: This is the seminar room next to our usual room (MCS 135).

29- This is in addition to an IP video conferencing room, seminar rooms , and additional classrooms.

30- The Law Faculty provides graduate research students with dedicated IT facilities, work spaces and seminar rooms .

31- Each of the University study buildings are equipped with well-furnished classrooms, seminar rooms and reading lounges.

32- On Monday, the Blue Drop award presentation took place in MoOD’s seminar room .

33- That afternoon, about a hundred people, mostly parents, crammed into a small seminar room .

34- Staff can also indicate preferences for any pooled rooms required (e.g. lecture and seminar rooms ).

35- The construction of the seminar room at the Immaculate Conception Building which can accommodate 150 participants.

36- The complex houses 50 classrooms, ranging from 15-seat seminar rooms to a 250-seat lecture hall.

37- She peered furtively over her left shoulder, but no-one else was in the small seminar room .

38- The meetings will be held in the Wellness Center seminar room from 10 a.m. to noon.

39- In AB Hall all classrooms, seminar rooms , and breakout rooms have both computing and multimedia capabilities.

40- But this time I called the meeting for a Saturday morning, and in our seminar room . The Film Society called Vivre screens almost 15 films a month at the college seminar room.

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