seminal in a sentence

Use ‘seminal’ in a sentence | ‘seminal’ example sentences

1- Does edging actually help increase seminal fluid?

2- Another synthesis operates a seminal straw of lipitor 40 care.

3- A collection of seminal papers in auction theory.

4- A collection of seminal classics of machine tool history.

5- This section lists a selection of seminal critical studies.

6- This seminal visual experience has been cherished by generations of visitors .

7- This was another of his seminal ideas.

8- A seminal paper, introduced revenue equivalence and optimal auctions.

9- Raj’s seminal contribution to development policy thus had worldwide repercussions.

10- That was a seminal thing for me.

11- A seminal study, even for long married couples.

12- He believed in a ” seminal ” Christ.

13- The subject is addressed in several of his seminal articles.

14- This phenomenon was demonstrated in the seminal Chilean example.

15- Introduction 17 these seminal influences in his publications.

16- Johnson was a seminal figure of American philosophy.

17- A seminal work that must be read.

18- In the late 1960s, a seminal change occurred.

19- The two are linked internally by a seminal duct.

20- His seminal paper on this model was published in 1961.

21- That was definitely a seminal moment in my gaming history .

22- John became involved in a number of seminal partnerships.

23- Two seminal films from each director will be showcased.

24- A seminal court case was Worcester v. Georgia.

25- Acps are found in male seminal fluid.

26- Military Psychology is another area where he has made seminal research contributions.

27- For confirmation, seminal fructose levels should be determined.

28- The seminal fluid of the mother, and 3.

29- A seminal series of events, as it were.

30- Rand’s writings had a seminal influence on her thought.

31- The tensions and prejudice they face form this seminal American drama .

32- He has been a seminal figure for Italy for several years .

33- Circle of Light offers seminal works on this topic.

34- It is the seminal book of esoteric knowledge of our age.

35- Plato’s Republic is a seminal scholarly text for politics.

36- A number of previously published seminal articles will also be reprinted.

37- Rand should have seen it as her seminal achievement.

38- The Chronicles of Amber is another seminal work.

39- Burroughs’ Barsoom stories are considered seminal planetary romances.

40- A seminal work covers the subject in some detail. In television he made logos for the seminal pop show, Ready, Steady, Go!

41- ‘July 1st 1916 was a seminal day in the history of Western civilization.

42- A seminal study by the Pew Foundation released this week bolstered that analysis.

43- For her, it was the seminal act of her premiership, the last roar of the Imperial Lion.

44- Well, I think the Voting Rights Act was a seminal victory for our country and a great healing moment.

45- The album remains a seminal fan favorite and is widely regarded as the best album Deicide has ever produced.

46- The female releases eggs through her oviducts, and they pass the seminal receptacle and are fertilized by the stored sperm.

47- The SOS response to DNA damage was a seminal discovery because it was the first coordinated stress response to be elucidated.

48- His seminal work is posted for study and review to the Online Library of the Centre de Géostatistique, Fontainebleau, France.

49- Hiram also created a seminal form of assembly line production that made Lowell’s the world’s preeminent dory manufacturer of its day.

More Sentences: 12
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