scrutiny in a sentence

Use ‘scrutiny’ in a sentence | ‘scrutiny’ example sentences

1- All big foreign drug makers are under immense scrutiny .

2- The increases may reflect simply added scrutiny .

3- Can state laws withstand constitutional scrutiny under current commerce clause jurisprudence?

4- The results for line 18 bear close scrutiny .

5- But their talking points wilt under scrutiny .

6- The results are preliminary and much further scrutiny is required.

7- The constant scrutiny became unbearable the last 2 years.

8- There is more scrutiny on issued patents.

9- This award was made following intense scrutiny and evaluation.

10- These issues warrant urgent scrutiny and attention.

11- The deaths drew intense public and media scrutiny .

12- The project under scrutiny are the following.

13- The monarchy received increased criticism and public scrutiny .

14- The scandal immediately attracted some media scrutiny .

15- Their marriage saw intense media and tabloid scrutiny .

16- The business of moving money electronically has drawn regulatory scrutiny .

17- Such organizations manage to avoid democratic scrutiny almost entirely.

18- Many are facing tough scrutiny from lenders .

19- These relationships will require careful scrutiny moving forward .

20- The following factors might indicate that scrutiny is ineffective.

21- The human face does not withstand scrutiny .

22- Kerry’s foreign policy views deserve thorough scrutiny .

23- The cathedral’s finances came under scrutiny .

24- The fortification of knowledge is scrutiny and investigation.

25- This shareholder scrutiny acts in two opposing ways.

26- Marketing arrangements will therefore come under ever increasing scrutiny .

27- The latest unrest has drawn renewed scrutiny to these policies.

28- Can you face scrutiny of real policeman.

29- Public scrutiny and informed political debate are not permitted.

30- Is she allowed to protest against such scrutiny ?

31- This circumstance greatly facilitated the scrutiny that took place.

32- The nature of the disparity needs careful scrutiny .

33- Very careful scrutiny of all pages is recommended.

34- Few attackers are willing to release source code to public scrutiny .

35- The breeding process was submitted to a thorough scrutiny .

36- Most of the assembly points had intense media scrutiny .

37- I think every system and program deserves scrutiny .

38- Their much publicized contest was the subject of enormous scrutiny .

39- But do those criticisms hold up under closer scrutiny ?

40- The police service comes in for particular scrutiny . Find someone who has scrubbed a floor.

41- scrutinyThis government has to open itself to public scrutiny to win back the voters’ trust.

42- The government has assured the Opposition that the inquiry will be open to public scrutiny.

43- There is a French proverb which states that few people rise to our esteem upon closer scrutiny.

44- The organization came under scrutiny following complaints of irregularities by a former employee.

45- It must be frustrating sometimes for celebrities to have their lives under constant scrutiny by the media.

46- Working conditions in the factory must be open to public scrutiny in order for real change to occur.

47- sculptureHe did well in high school English classes, but his essays will get much closer scrutiny once he is in university.

48- William Gladstone once remarked that the heated mind resents the chill touch and relentless scrutiny of logic.

49- relevantThe private lives of politicians often come under public scrutiny, and what should be private matters then become public discussion.

50- I’m not sure of this scheme.

More Sentences: 123
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