scrutinies in a sentence

Use ‘scrutinies’ in a sentence | ‘scrutinies’ example sentences

1- Rayner efficiency scrutinies begin in the NHS.

2- They do not stand up to even the briefest of scrutinies .

3- The papers from both scrutinies are then burned together at the end of the second scrutiny.

4- One of Rayner’s first acts was to set in train a series of efficiency scrutinies within Whitehall.

5- Rites belonging to this period are the scrutinies , the presentations and the preparation rites on Holy Saturday.

6- This will be addressed through departmental work scrutinies which will review the quality of feedback and frequency of marking.

7- A total of four scrutinies are taken each day, two in the morning and two in the afternoon.

8- The scrutinies that exist now, after the sin of Adam ha Rishon , are scrutinies of true and false.

9- The scrutinies that exist now, after the sin of Adam ha Rishon , are scrutinies of true and false.

10- In June 2007, novelist Paul Zacharia wrote on Tehelka that Amritanandamayi goes scotfree from scrutinies on money with foreign strings.

11- Regular testing, the annual publication of league tables and four-yearly scrutinies of schools by independent teams of inspectors will further increase the pressure on teachers to raise standards by concentrating on the basics.

12- Part of the journey brings the Catechumens into the Church for the ” scrutinies “, where they acknowledge they are on a faith journey, and are encouraged and prayed for by all those present.

13- When you are ready for the initiation sacraments, you will celebrate the Rite of Election during the beginning of Lent, the 3 scrutinies during the last three Sundays of Lent (prayers to strengthen your conviction to become a disciple of Christ) as immediate preparation for initiation.

14- During this time the elect (formerly the catechumens) and the candidates enter into a period of intense preparation and prayer which includes the three public celebrations of the scrutinies and is marked by the presentations of the Creed and the Lord’s Prayer.

15- The focus of these scrutinies are Life (the Life-giving water offered to the Samaritan woman); Freedom (the Light of the World as recorded in the miracle of man born blind); and Salvation (the New Life after Baptism).

16- There have been well over 300 scrutinies carried out since 1979 The scrutiny approach involves selecting targets for examination, typically over a 90-day time-scale.

17- The main plank of Rayner’s approach to improving efficiency was the establishment of a programme of scrutinies which were designed to examine not the merits of policies but rather their implementation.

18- Some of the fruits of his literary labours are gathered here in an anthology sourced from newspaper writings and his previous books, with scrutinies of most of the top players of the past few years, Test and county.

19- As Fry (1988a, p. 10) notes, ‘The running costs of government departments… are dwarfed by programme expenditure, the sheer scale of which… make the savings obtained from cash limits, staff reductions, the Rayner scrutinies and the FMI seem relatively unimportant’.

20- It draws not only on the experience of Rayner scrutinies and MINIS, but also on the concept of management accounting (see pp. 11).

21- As Metcalfe and Richards (1987, p. 24) observe, departmental decentralization was a key theme to emerge from early Rayner scrutinies , the object being to push responsibility down the departmental hierarchy to where costs were being incurred.

22- These two scrutinies led directly to the two other major planks of the Thatcher government’s managerial approach within central government; namely, MINIS and the Financial Management Initiative (FMI).

23- Two scrutinies , in particular, were crucially important: the first in 1979 led to the decision to implement a management information system for ministers (MINIS) in the Department of the Environment (DOE).

24- While as Collins (1987, p. 14) observes, ‘few, if any of the scrutinies have borne directly on any of these concerns, a surprisingly large number… have led, directly or indirectly, to widespread changes in the management of central government’.

25- Many scrutinies , moreover, are not completed within the two-year time span, and departments have frequently been criticised for delays in implementation.

26- As several authoritative inquiries (such as National Audit Office, 1986a, para. 2; Public Accounts Committee, 198-6, para. 8) have observed, few scrutinies – particularly in the period to 1983 – addressed effectiveness issues or those with major policy content.

27- The subjects of the scrutinies varied from payment of social security benefits to the organisation of the coastguard (Gray and Jenkins, 1985).

28- Following her election to power, Mrs Thatcher abolished PAR and introduced a new system of scrutiny of departmental expenditure – the Rayner scrutinies .

29- Four initiatives merit examination: the Rayner scrutinies , the Management Information System for Ministers (MINIS), the Financial Management Initiative (FMI) and agency status.

30- The banning of trade unions at the Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), the naming and blaming of civil servants in the Westland Affair, and the Rayner scrutinies were all seen as undermining the morale of, civil servants.

31- The key elements in scrutinies are as follows:

32- Progress on efficiency savings and savings identified in scrutinies

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