screens in a sentence 3

Use ‘screens’ in a sentence | ‘screens’ example sentences

101- “Tragedy Adapted for Stages and screens: the Renaissance to the Present.

102- Julie Newmar ultimately won the weekend with $6,544,960 as it expanded to 1,448 screens.

103- The game possesses four basic screens, each offering different aspects of the jet’s flight.

104- Cell phones also offer much less space to enter in search terms and smaller screens to display results.

105- The playing field spans both DS screens; but only Tetriminoes appearing in lower touch screen could be moved.

106- Gameplay Unlike previous games, the interface is changed slightly to make use of the Nintendo DS’s dual screens.

107- Grand Indonesia (Jakarta, Indonesia) – Opened March 21st, 2007 11 screens, with a total seating capacity of 2,997 seats.

108- However, nearly all applications were fixed once it was found that the new screens had better contrast than the old ones.

109- The audience rotates from scenery to scenery, accompanied by 180 degree projections on panel screens around the auditorium.

110- In England, figurative architectural decoration most frequently was located in vast screens of niches across the West Front.

111- The composer also calls for 3 cinema screens, 3 film projectors & groups of loudspeakers on the stage and in the auditorium.

112- The filming was rescheduled for September, and the pilot episode finally made it onto television screens on 15 February 1988.

113- He played a brave warrior and then a scheming lover, ably displaying manliness and machismo that heated the television screens.

114- The world is a mixture of 2D and 3D props on 3D terrain, and is rendered without load screens as the player moves between areas.

115- Types of screens ENU is used as a genetic tool by designing a variety of genetic screens suitable to the researchers’ interests.

116- The film, however, did not hit the screens due to complications with the authorities regarding the story and morals of the product.

117- Top 3 is the largest multiplex in Saurashtra with 5 screens, food courts, game stations and a large sprawling Amusement Park besides it.

118- The driver’s cabs are more ergonomic than in the T1000, and the mirrors to monitor the platforms have been replaced with cameras and screens.

119- Donaghy also referred to a playoff series where “Team 3’s Owner alleged that referees were letting a Team 4 player get away with illegal screens.

120- If fitted with massive power plants and screens, it can be used as a mobile fortress with enough power to easily brush off attacks by spaceships.

121- She also appears on interactive video screens throughout the USA and Japan in the theme park Magiquest as both Princess Amora and Princess Candice.

122- ” Box office The film opened on 400 screens in France with 195,242 admissions after one week, which equaled a fifth place on the domestic box-office chart.

123- The church was full and consequently a tent with TV screens and speakers was set up outside the church for many others who attended but could not get inside.

124- ClearType attempts to improve the appearance of text on certain types of computer display screens by sacrificing color fidelity for additional intensity variation.

125- On March 20, 2006, Borland announced its acquisition of Gauntlet Systems, a provider of technology that screens software under development for quality and security.

126- Rockin’ Meera collected a million dollars from just about 15 prints spread on 45 screens over a period of 3 months which was way short of its 1.5 million dollar budget.

127- Uniquely among shoot ’em ups, the game’s screen is three times wider than conventional size, and the arcade cabinet uses an arrangement of three screens to accommodate it.

128- Early screens to identify genes involved in cuticle development led to the discovery of a class of genes that was necessary for proper segmentation of the ‘’drosophila’’ embryo.

129- “) which was expanded to 21 screens by at least 1981.

130- Some physical medias remain, such as paper and screens.

131- HBs can run flat screens and let the inside and outside WRs block.

132- Clear view screens are also used in locomotives and rail transport.

133- The clip is playing on the video screens as the girls exit the party.

134- The circle was used for one screen with the stalls divided into two screens.

135- The Cineplex cinema chain made the film available on 50 of its 1,317 screens.

136- Plasma TV screens are also at risk, although the effects are usually not as permanent.

137- RGB screens continued along a similar vein, using all the beams set to “on” to form white.

138- Box office In India, the film opened on 350 screens and collected 5 crore in its opening weekend.

139- Florida Screen Enterprises is a manufacturer of window screens, components and hurricane products.

140- Some works are left relatively unedited whilst others undergo split screens and visual repetition.

141- Their size is also to an advantage when putting up screens or picks to lure out chasing back courts.

142- He is a familiar face on television screens, participating in protest programmes or spirited debates.

143- The Zoo TV Tour was a multimedia-intensive event, featuring a stage that used dozens of video screens.

144- “Hardly had such towers risen on all sides; never had such timber roofs and screens been hewn and carved..

145- WIN NEWS screens Monday to Friday at 6.30 pm, with a late news bulletin screening at approximately 12 midnight.

146- The music begins playing again, and the screens also reappear, but are soon replaced by enormous, robotic faces.

147- FFIEC screens the data for errors and the releases it to the public electronically (on CD-ROM and over the internet).

148- In 2006, 6 new screens from the gameplay along with a 14 minute video were released to the public during the 4th China Expo.

149- GuiXT Fuzion delivers standard or enhanced SAP transaction screens in web browser environments with a minimum of development time.

150- Since 2005, customers can also send SMS text messages and emails to the ground using their personal handsets and seatback screens.

More Sentences: 1234
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