screens in a sentence

Use ‘screens’ in a sentence | ‘screens’ example sentences

1- But why are consumers demanding bigger screens ?

2- The above screens are single trace screens.

3- The above screens are single trace screens .

4- Scott avoided using green screens unless necessary.

5- After screens are attached touch panels are attached.

6- Another big trend is solar window screens .

7- All boast screens nearly twenty metres high.

8- This theater has 16 screens showing the newest releases.

9- No random crashes or weird lock screens yet!

10- Currently the screens scrolls vertically very fast.

11- The current transaction may send data to different host screens .

12- Such screens have problems displaying dark colors.

13- D. room with video cameras concealed behind screens .

14- These structures are regarded as isolation screens .

15- The film opened in 300 screens overseas.

16- There are two 40 m2 scoreboard screens .

17- There were three video screens above the stage.

18- Search results are displayed on three large screens overhead.

19- The film was shown simultaneously on three screens .

20- The earliest shadow theatre screens were made of mulberry paper.

21- There are screens placed along the aircraft.

22- Some tanks were equipped with armoured screens .

23- The screens were of ordinary wire mesh.

24- A complementary system is used for green screens .

25- What is customizable are the four different ” screens “.

26- Passengers are encouraged to tweet via information screens .

27- Small screens mean small controls and small text .

28- Turn based strategy is home for touch screens .

29- Lung problems are also sometimes detected through positive screens .

30- It currently has 27 cinemas with 228 screens .

31- And fighting through screens means not taking shortcuts .

32- Touch screens offer a natural control surface .

33- Fourteen photographs in total are projected onto large screens .

34- They stop switching their attention between screens .

35- There are many different types of lock screens .

36- It goes to mobile telephone screens through social networks .

37- GPS screens are stickers that never change.

38- No lobby screens means the action never stops.

39- She noticed her kitchen window screens had been cut.

40- The average US household uses 3 television screens . Anxiety screens revealed abnormalities in 77% of dogs.

41- Keep in mind that the Galaxy S6 uses Samsung screens and processors.

42- At 10:40 a.m., the Germanwings Airbus disappeared from radar screens.

43- So, is a break from the dull glow of your screens as good as it sounds?

44- The company’s lower-end watches, however, have only monochrome screens.

45- But the Baltic states are as fixated on their screens as their borders.

46- 235840For that exact reason, the FDA screens all donated blood for HIV.

47- Also, the “BTTF II” characters talk to the screens just like we do today.

48- 314418Hyena Road screens at 7 p.m. on Sept. 24 at Theatre Junction Grand.

49- The video information is displayed on large screens in the command center.

50- They’ll all sport 3440- x 1440-pixel screens and ThunderBolt 2 connectors.

More Sentences: 1234
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