scientist in a sentence 2

Use ‘scientist’ in a sentence | ‘scientist’ example sentences

50- She grew up to be a great scientist.

51- He wants to be a scientist in the future.

52- The boy grew up to be a famous scientist.

53- A true scientist would not distort facts.

54- He is as great a scientist as ever lived.

55- He said, I want to be a scientist.

56- kebukebuA true scientist wouldn’t think like that.

57- I want to grow up to be a great scientist.

58- She was as great a scientist as ever lived.

59- A true scientist would not think like that.

60- He respects Einstein, an American scientist.

61- He studied very hard to become a scientist.

62- SwiftHe is a scientist who is respected by everybody.

63- He is proud that his father was a great scientist.

64- They held a party in honor of the famous scientist.

65- She realized her ambition to become a great scientist.

66- Facts are to the scientist what words are to the poet.

67- As great a scientist as he is, he lacks common sense.

68- yifenI hope that some scientist will soon discover a cure for AIDS.

69- He is the greatest scientist that the world has ever produced.

70- Albert Einstein remains the greatest scientist of the modern era.

71- He was an excellent scientist, and what is more, was a great poet.

72- If he had not died so young, he would have become a great scientist.

73- scientist David Suzuki is very passionate about saving our environment.

74- A scientist studies nature by refining old models or creating new models.

75- scientist Amaeo Avogadro first distinguished molecules from atoms in 1811.

76- A lady, whose husband is a famous scientist, came over from the other side.

77- It has often been said that facts are to the scientist what words are to the poet.

78- scientist Amaeo Avogadro first distinguished molecules from atoms in 1811.

79- distortThe first person known to have died of radiation poisoning was scientist Marie Curie.

80- I feel very privileged to have had the chance to work with such an important scientist.

81- She is a top scientist, and commands the respect of her colleagues throughout the world.

82- The mad scientist had made a magical potion which he believed would give him immortality.

83- The scientist has a love of facts, even isolated facts, similar to the poet’s love of words.

84- He is an excellent scientist, but he is totally unable to communicate his knowledge to others.

85- English philosopher and scientist Roger Bacon introduced a gunpowder formula to Europe in 1242.

86- Independent researchers have so far been unable to substantiate the claims made by the scientist.

87- In 1683, Dutch scientist Antony van Leeuwenhoek became the first to report the existence of bacteria.

88- The scientist discovered a drug which has been quite successful in preventing certain types of cancer.

89- In 1928, Scottish scientist Alexander Fleming discovered the antibiotic effects of the penicillin mold.

90- It is practically unthinkable that a scientist of his stature would have made such an elementary mistake.

91- It is the job of a scientist to remain skeptical until all evidence proves something to be absolutely true.

92- A German physicist has won the Nobel prize for science for his work in collaboration with another scientist.

93- A Pakistani scientist is believed to be behind the proliferation of nuclear weapons in places such as Libya and Iran.

94- scientist Hans Selye once observed that adopting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.

95- Leo Szilard once observed that a scientist‘s aim in a discussion with his colleagues is not to persuade, but to clarify.

96- scientist and writer Isaac Asimov once said, “Self-education is, I firmly believe, the only kind of education there is.

97- “Marie Curie, the Nobel Prize-winning scientist who discovered radium, died as a result of over-exposure to radioactivity.

98- Around his facts the scientist weaves a logical pattern or theory which gives the facts meaning, order, and significance.

More Sentences: 1234
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