scientific fact in a sentence

Use ‘scientific fact’ in a sentence | ‘scientific fact’ example sentences

1- These scientific facts are widely recognized and accepted.

2- It is scientific fact that evolution happens.

3- There is enough adventure and several scientific facts are utilized.

4- These are scientific facts not personal attacks.

5- The scientific facts and evidences are too overwhelming to ignore.

6- Some scientific facts to bend your brain .

7- Here are scientific facts you should know.

8- Media science has probably never reported this well-established scientific fact .

9- These are scientific facts , not personal preferences.

10- Disseminating subjective observation disguised as scientific fact is harmful.

11- It does not match any logical scientific facts or tests.

12- This ecology project has nothing to do with scientific fact .

13- How did Job know this scientific fact ?

14- But that doesn’t change the basic scientific facts .

15- People like you are unable to accept scientific facts .

16- scientific facts are verified by repeatable experiments .

17- Please familiarize yourself with the scientific facts before making such statements.

18- Science Match Create pairs of cards related to scientific facts .

19- Nevertheless it is a scientific fact that all languages evolve.

20- But the nineteenth century demonstrates it as a scientific fact .

21- We should remain open to the scientific facts as they evolve.

22- I am this close to proving it a scientific fact .

23- Why do you say that politicians ignore scientific facts ?

24- Isaac Asimov and several others began to write scientific fact almost exclusively.

25- It is a proven scientific fact that a positive attitude encourages longevity .

26- The scientific facts regarding climate change in general should be pointed out.

27- So often we deal with self-proclaimed experts, not scientific fact .

28- It may sound crazy, but it’s a scientific fact .

29- Base answers on scientific fact , not colloquialisms.

30- There are numerous scientific facts supporting why war is the territory of males.

31- So “social construction” becomes just “construction of scientific facts “.

32- That the universe had a beginning is now an accepted scientific fact .

33- Thousands of scientific facts , disproving every basic area of evolutionary theory.

34- This follows from basic scientific facts .

35- Why is it that you accept this is as scientific fact ?

36- I can weigh in when it comes to the scientific facts .

37- His paintings have influenced over a century of scientific fact and fiction.

38- Most scientific facts can be explained better by creation than by evolution.

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Related Words:
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