school in a sentence

Use ‘school’ in a sentence | ‘school’ example sentences

1- He finished high school through independent study.

2- His formal education ended during elementary school .

3- The high school is probably 98% done.

4- He was publicly humiliated before 800 high school kids.

5- Average teacher experience is already roughly equivalent across schools statewide.

6- The school schedules approximately 50 lessons weekly.

7- school districts must fall within each state.

8- Adults are very welcome outside school holiday periods.

9- All school districts provide professional development programs.

10- The school teaches kindergarten through eighth grade children.

11- Two adults should accompany each school group.

12- The area boasts several excellent school systems.

13- The federal government has said schools must provide healthier alternatives.

14- The remaining 42 schools are spread among 15 priority communities.

15- Public school teachers already are compensated above fair market rates.

16- The international fashion schools are really top notch.

17- The school children example is absolutely relevant.

18- The school has identified three specific alternatives.

19- Take high school course selection very seriously.

20- But school officials had slightly different plans.

21- I started endurance sports during high school .

22- When is high school east next blood drive?

23- My best friends through high school were guys.

24- The school has been vacant since 2009.

25- All middle school races are 3000 meters.

26- The four schools serve approximately 1864 students.

27- Many towns are charged per school age child.

28- Not completed primary school 61 56 2.

29- Your school is publishing annual magazine next month.

30- Secondary school means grades 7 through 12.

31- Our public schools seldom define rules around success.

32- school zones are 15–25 mph.

33- Only nominal high school fees were charged.

34- During those days schools were very rare.

35- The home school graduate completed fewer years.

36- The college preparatory school continues operations until 1907.

37- The minimum school length is 2 academic years.

38- Researchers surveyed 120 high school football players.

39- I left school early often during those 6 months.

40- These schools were coincidentally former selective schools. Voter turnout for school board primaries will be abysmal .

41- I was a “bad” high school student academically myself.

42- Were you very motivated academically at school?

43- The school had high standards and Jardine was moderately successful academically .

44- Keep abreast of events in the school by visiting the homepage.

45- The abolition of public high school tuition fees.

46- They are all dumped in an open school with no convenience or ablution facility .

47- school starts at .

48- school begins at .

49- I study at school.

50- He walks to school.

More Sentences: 1234
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