law school in a sentence

Use ‘law school’ in a sentence | ‘law school’ example sentences

1- Most law clerks are recent law school graduates.

2- Your law school education is akin to practice.

3- law school classes teach you substantive law.

4- What is your favorite law school memory?

5- This author started law school more than 30 years ago.

6- This is especially true in law school .

7- The law school was housed there until 1967.

8- law schools structure their moot court programs differently.

9- The law school emphasizes practical skills and integrity.

10- Grades in law school are very competitive.

11- Below law school professors and students offer advice .

12- law school brings such bitter sweet memories.

13- Alexandra was born days before Kerry began law school .

14- Some law schools offer practitioner focused LL.

15- Of course, law school has costs too.

16- law schools can prove cost prohibitive in many circumstances.

17- The government reopened the law school in 2010.

18- Maintain a life outside of law school .

19- So why does law school have such a ferocious reputation?

20- Which law schools produced the most fellows?

21- Another law school year is almost upon us.

22- They may also choose to enter law school .

23- They were just going to law school .

24- The material covered is taught only implicitly in law school .

25- Students are admitted to law school from almost every academic discipline.

26- She studied for both dental lab school and law school .

27- Teaching law at this law school is distinct.

28- The law school began the slow process of rebuilding.

29- Only a minority of law schools offer bar preparation courses.

30- He entered politics soon after graduating from law school .

31- After five years he graduated from law school .

32- The city also has a law school .

33- This academy eventually evolved into a law school .

34- Kennedy graduated from law school in 1959.

35- Keep in touch with law school colleagues.

36- law schools should become more practical perhaps in their orientation.

37- So law school was then my career .

38- Congratulations on the author completing law school .

39- So which law school is the best represented?

40- Good law school jokes and camera work. Before working in the provost’s office, he led the law school for 18 months.

41- On the advice of his mentor, he pursued a law degree at Brooklyn law school.

42- John Coste is a graduate from the Delaware law school of Widener University.

43- Historic ties to slavery also sparked conflict at Harvard University’s law school.

44- Henson is associate dean for academic affairs and trial practice at the law school.

45- I had worked very hard in school to gain admission to a highly regarded law school.

46- A graduate of Wesleyan University, Mr. Curtiss received a JD from Vermont law school.

47- Munger entered law school without an undergraduate degree and graduated magna cum laude.

48- Following college, Tise attended John Marshall law school, earning a Juris Doctor Degree.

49- McCulloch is set to speak at a Feb. 20 law school event on police practices after Ferguson.

50- Lee and his best friend from law school each invested $25,000 and founded LegalZoom in 2001.

More Sentences: 1234
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