scare us in a sentence

Use ‘scare us’ in a sentence | ‘scare us’ example sentences

1- Yes, they are trying to scare us .

2- That scared us to death, she said.

3- And we wouldn’t let anybody scare us off.

4- They shot into the air to scare us .

5- Yet he kept coming and trying to scare us off.

6- The ground invasion is not scaring us .

7- She’s manly and weird and it scares us !

8- But, he doesn’t always try to scare us .

9- It’s the trust that can scare us .

10- It looks like a real possibility, and it scares us .

11- These groups do not scare us .

12- And it scared us to death. It is Trump Global, trademarked under a copyright – and that is what should scare us.

More Sentences:
Related Words:
scared to deathscare mescare herscare me shitlessscare aboutscare the shit out ofscare himscare usscare storyscare tacticsscare youscare thembomb scarehealth scaregive us a scare

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Compound Sentences with “scare us”
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