scare the shit out of in a sentence

Use ‘scare the shit out of’ in a sentence | ‘scare the shit out of’ example sentences

1- ‘It still scares the shit out of me.

2- Scares the shit out of guide dogs.

3- I scared the shit out of my two co-worker passengers .

4- You rock but you ‘re scaring the shit out of me.

5- Scared the shit out of me.

6- Really scare the shit out of him and make him paranoid as hell.

7- The poor are there just to scare the shit out of the middle class.

8- There is a controlling oligarchy and that should scare the shit out of people.

9- I like the Fat Slags because they scare the shit out of men.

10- ‘We go scare the shit out of a drunk!’ he said.

11- When I read the parental control section , it scared the shit out of me.

12- The peer-to-peer trust network and person-to-person encryption must ‘ve scared the shit out of them.

13- It comes off as weird and has probably scared the shit out of several of you.

14- Oh and then it also scared the shit out of people , so yay.

15- But it was his ability to scare the shit out of people that made the difference.

16- ‘To scare the shit out of the creeps opposing our offers to modernize their industries.’

17- Hardline fundamentalist groups with strict rules and codes of fashion and behavior scare the shit out of me.

18- I tell you it was like a spotlight, and it scared the shit out of us.

19- This scared the shit out of me at first but I’m getting used to it now.

20- NEXT STORY Another Paranormal Movie Comes Home Paranormal Movie is looking to scare the shit out of you .

21- You know, “I hope you have ten just like you.” She scared the shit out of us.

22- One night the stunt team didn’t think the extras were doing it right, so they did this really in-your-face hakka thing and scared the shit out of them.

23- During his introductory piece for the UK TV premiere of Ring , Mark Kermode (late of Fangoria magazine) described the infamous final scene of the film as “…guaranteed to scare the shit out of you” . And he wasn’t wrong.

24- Does it scare the shit out of me that I might inadvertently piss off the group I want to reflect in a positive way, you’re damn straight (pun intended!)”

25- She removed it so she could retain her ultra-cool facade and not let on that you have scared the shit out of her.

26- As the months tick by, I realise more how bad it really was and I look on aghast as some people I spent time shoulder to shoulder with in CAI continue to walk the path you are taking and raise their children in a manner that scares the shit out of me.

27- He didn’t just aim to entertain and, at times, scare the shit out of you, but make you understand why you’re scared.

28- While Prozac is probably the first med people think of when the subject of psychiatric medications comes up, when people think about the scary psych meds, Thorazine, the so-called “chemical straitjacket,” is the drug that scares the shit out of people who don’t know shit about psychiatric drugs.

29- But he gave me his mother’s ring, almost as a promise, and part of me began to take him seriously (which scared the shit out of my parents).

30- It’s a piece of sound theatre designed to scare the shit out of his companion, waiting his turn on the front-room floor.

31- I’ll tell you one thing though, I’m going out there to do it again, very soon, and it scares the shit out of me.

32- I wouldn’t mind dying – it’s the business of having to stay dead that scares the shit out of me. ~R. Geis

33- And now all these well motivated and funded (once again) “terrorists”execute a perfect attack..hmm.. what a perfect plan to scare the shit out of every useful idiot across the western they are all free to spread “state sponsored” terror worldwide..

34- One interviewee described how an organizer from outside the rank and file had been met with suspicion in the local: “And he came on board and . . . he just was always doing so much more work than we paid him for, and he was really into it, and scared the shit out of the other people in the local.

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scare awayscare me to deathscared to deathscare mescare herscare me shitlessscare aboutscare the shit out ofscare himscare usscare storyscare tacticsscare youscare thembomb scare

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