sawmill in a sentence

Use ‘sawmill’ in a sentence | ‘sawmill’ example sentences

1- Portable sawmills are typically band saw mills.

2- There are 3 major timber companies which own 41 sawmills .

3- This sawmill was demolished between 1890 and 1898.

4- sawmills and plywood trades are prohibited under law.

5- Most white pine is sold to sawmills .

6- Several smaller sawmills exist throughout the valley.

7- The sawmill was shut down in 2001.

8- By 1910 several large sawmills had been established in the district.

9- In 1858 a large sawmill was built in town.

10- Get a truly portable sawmill and produce quality lumber!

11- It was a sawmill and lumber supply company.

12- The Germans opened sawmills to cut area timber.

13- A sawmill was constructed in about 1786.

14- A sawmill was the first river industry.

15- Families supported themselves with sawmills and shipbuilding.

16- Her father worked in sawmills but kept moving for better pay.

17- He was particularly critical of the damage done by portable sawmills .

18- They funded sawmills that supplied cheap wood for houses and shipbuilding.

19- Brick factories and sawmills supplied materials for homes and public buildings.

20- There he owned and operated another sawmill and did business successfully.

21- See agricultural displays, steam tractors, sawmill and much more.

22- There are several paper mills and sawmills in the area.

23- Glen Wood cut timber and hauled lumber to local sawmills .

24- That same year another sawmill was built in west Charlton.

25- The sawmill had a capacity of 7,000 feet daily.

26- The sawmill in the 1930s was not operative.

27- The 1850 sawmill is a wood frame building built in three sections.

28- Logging was stopped and family sawmills were shut down.

29- Some sawmills had difficulty staying afloat before the arrival of large industry.

30- I do wish we had a sawmill around.

31- Rough-and-tumble sawmill communities began growing up around the railroad station stops.

32- Was that erm like sawmill or something?

33- Dobroszyce sawmill is expansive and dynamic company with long tradition.

34- This was driven by a motor hired from a local sawmill .

35- Smaller sawmills were common along the line north of Picture Rocks.

36- A sawmill was built in 1870 upstream from today’s Mt.

37- It is possible that the function of the sawmill was outdoors.

38- By 1904, there were two sawmills operating in town.

39- The water from nearby Nixon Spring helped the sawmill operate.

40- The German name “Schneidemühl” means ” sawmill “. Also forsaken was the inn that had arisen from the sawmill.

41- The Ramsey’s made a living ranching and operating a sawmill.

42- This way, many wood and pau-a-pique homes were settled around the sawmill.

43- René and Leclerc leave the sawmill, but are forced to leave Mimi behind with the communists.

44- Economy In Manevychi there is a bricks plant, state woodworking enterprise, and private sawmill.

45- The original sawmill operated until 1887, when it burned in a fire of unknown origins, and was replaced by a larger mill within 60 days.

46- The workers previously organized by LWIUC joined the Lumber and sawmill Workers’ Union (a union affiliated to the American Federation of Labor ).

47- In 1841 Joseph Stronach’s brother, David Stronach and his son Adam Stronach arrived by schooner with machinery and approximately 15 men to begin construction of the sawmill.

48- “Wilkins Lumber survives 200 years in struggling sawmill industry.

49- Railway pits were once located between the local swimming pool and sawmill.

50- A box car and 3 flat cars were destroyed when Sanders sawmill burned in 1900.

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