sawing in a sentence

Use ‘sawing’ in a sentence | ‘sawing’ example sentences

1- Also an ordinary saw is needed for sawing pipes.

2- A lot of sawing and banging is heard.

3- Decision making is like sawing through a tree.

4- At present I am measuring and sawing others.

5- The criminals were fastened between two planks prior to the sawing .

6- But sawing off heads is a bit of a chore.

7- A magician feels guilty for sawing his assistant in half.

8- Spread your scroll sawing wings with this great pattern.

9- sawing and riveting was my favorite class so far.

10- She is also known for sawing men in half.

11- Establish a comfortable position prior to sawing . 14.

12- Other methods of shaking out include sawing and grinding.

13- Different methods of death by sawing have been recorded.

14- Finally he stopped sawing and stepped back.

15- Or were you straight with your sawing ?

16- This can cause the saw to bind, making sawing difficult.

17- Have students use a sawing motion to cut through the cups.

18- It is good to be chop sawing and welding again.

19- Goldin presented several sawing illusions that involved a box.

20- They were used for cereals milling, sawing timber and crushing ore.

21- There are many sawing tricks with significant differences in their basic effect.

22- I started with sawing the bottom plate from 16 mm chipboard.

23- These attributes are all necessary for carbide sawing .

24- A man was sawing and he sawed off his fingers.

25- sawing the 2 inch thick 12 foot strong-back took 12 hours alone.

26- Allow a safe margin for sawing , and cut the blanks.

27- Chopping wood, sawing logs, binding firewood.

28- Keep this in mind when sawing the last row of panels.

29- Wear safety goggles, gloves and ear protection when sawing the tiles.

30- Christopher was sawing through a piece of wood held in the vice.

31- Use a metal file to remove any rough edges left when sawing .

32- It was Birkin sawing and hammering away.

33- The basic form of Goldin’s box sawings was as follows.

34- He is still sanding and sawing a rustic sofa and coffee tables .

35- They’re always sawing , hammering or drilling in the wrong place.

36- sawing through the bolt on Raven is an act of stupid vandalism.

37- When he was coming along the road, the they were sawing .

38- Subsequently he came to Oil Springs where he followed sawing until 1887.

39- Stack the lumber in neat layers as soon after sawing as possible.

40- Remove all pins from plug by pulling them out forcefully before sawing . I saw him sawing a tree.

41- He is sawing a log into boards.

42- Estacada Timber Festival ends a day full of sawing and chopping with a bang.

43- 828260They did the sawing, drawing and gluing in the kitchen, so they could watch TV.

44- Rabbi Weissmandl escaped from the sealed train by sawing open the lock of the carriage with an emery wire he had secreted in a loaf of bread.

45- Trees propagated from seed or by sawing apart the base of a cluster are available in nurseries.

46- Double sawing The “double sawing illusion” is a way of adding an extra effect to box-type sawings.

47- sawing through the bridge planks (third trick).

48- In basic concept, it is very similar to the transparent sawing developed by Les Arnold in the late 1970s.

49- Case-hardened wood may warp considerably and dangerously when the stress is released by sawing.

50- Ausonius attests the use of a water mill for sawing stone in his poem Mosella from the 4th century AD.

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