saturate with in a sentence

Use ‘saturate with’ in a sentence | ‘saturate with’ example sentences

1- Our language is saturated with maritime history.

2- The modern world is saturated with images.

3- It left too many spaces saturated with hurt.

4- The interiors are densely saturated with elaborate gold leaf ornamentation.

5- Date rape is often saturated with entitlement .

6- Some markets are overly saturated with powerful incumbents .

7- The market is saturated with ethanol from corn.

8- The market is over saturated with fps.

9- Most acid soils are saturated with aluminium rather than hydrogen ions.

10- Our fields of meaning are already saturated with symptomatic commentary.

11- The world is saturated with deity and with law.

12- How saturated with din and evil are we?

13- The consumer market would be saturated with goods.

14- I use water saturated with sugar as hair spray.

15- The forests in the park are saturated with colors.

16- Israel’s schools are saturated with this linkage.

17- Would the world really be saturated with cheap reproductions ?

18- Nepal has been literally saturated with the gospel in five years.

19- Is the water fairly muddy or saturated with algae?

20- Deep space, however, is saturated with cosmic rays.

21- The Sunday market is quite saturated with many British publications.

22- Soils saturated with water absorb little more.

23- The lake became saturated with dissolved gypsum.

24- Geologic materials that are saturated with abundant freshwater are called aquifers.

25- Porous implants may be saturated with antibiotic solution before insertion.

26- The market is quite saturated with realtors and brokers.

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