satraps in a sentence

Use ‘satraps’ in a sentence | ‘satraps’ example sentences

1- Its meaning is “and the satraps “.

2- It was his duty to select the satraps .

3- The satraps , however, had other intentions.

4- Power often lay with the satraps , usually generals.

5- Regional satraps are exposed as spineless opportunists .

6- These (it was thought) watched for signs of revolt among satraps .

7- The region remained under control of Greek satraps for only a few decades.

8- The capital also mentions the genealogy of several Indo-Scythian satraps of Mathura.

9- The first human portraits on coins were those of Persian satraps in Asia Minor.

10- The total tribute from the satraps came to an amount less than 15,000 silver talents.

11- A few regional satraps cannot dictate our policy towards our neighbours or the world.

12- Darius organized the empire by dividing it into provinces and placing satraps to govern it.

13- On his coins, Arsaces I is depicted in apparel similar to Achaemenid satraps .

14- On the other hand, he was accepted by other satraps of the eastern provinces.

15- Moscow was a distant capital, a foreign overlord handing out its satraps and commissars.

16- Kings were replaced by satraps .

17- The satraps he established in the north west of the subcontinent quickly crumbled after he left.

18- But it was possible to portray Him indirectly, by portraying His satraps , the planets.

19- These satraps (Babylonian officials) apparently hated Daniel and wanted him removed from over them.

20- In Gujarat several battles were fought between the south Indian Satavahana dynasty and the Western satraps .

21- They are both the result of the rent seeking by politicians , their bureaucratic satraps and bankers.

22- But this kind of thing does not speed up till the time of the fourth-century satraps .

23- At the same time, he dispatched letters to his eastern satraps asking them to remain loyal.

24- The benefits received by the satraps were too great for any of these checks to be necessary.

25- A fairly high-quality but rather stereotypical coinage would continue in the Western satraps until the 4th century.

26- The majority of the remaining satraps gave their loyalty to Alexander and were allowed to keep their positions.

27- In the sphere of finance, satraps were supposed to forward tribute (Thuc. viii.5).

28- Under the Western satraps , Barigaza was one of the main centers of Roman trade with India.

29- Most satraps had died.

30- Darius appears to be deeply grieved by the treachery of his satraps and the danger Daniel was in.

31- The two most obvious and irksome are subjection to satraps and extortion of tribute, including personal military service.

32- By 316 BCE the empire had fully occupied Northwestern India, defeating and conquering the satraps left by Alexander.

33- In 321 BC, Chandragupta Maurya founded the Maurya Empire in India and overthrew the Greek satraps .

34- Some Greek satraps , the descendents of Alexander the Great, were vassals to the Indo-Parthian Kingdom.

35- Under the leadership of Peucestas the other satraps of the region brought together an opposing army of their own.

36- Then there came the very similar, albeit class-based, ideological threat of the Soviet Union and her satraps .

37- The satraps often revolted from the Great King, but when Alexander invaded, they fought to repel him.

38- The greedy satraps , the leeward adventurers have come to tumble down, one on top of the other.

39- Thoughts about the extermination of the Jews had long been current, and not only for Hitler and his satraps .

40- The Western satraps (35-405 CE) were Saka rulers of the western and central part of India. By 320 BC the empire had fully occupied Northwestern India, defeating and conquering the satraps left by Alexander.

41- Lucullus had firsthand experience of the Persian gardening style, in the satraps ‘ gardens of Anatolia (‘Asia’ to the Romans) and in Mesopotamia and Persia itself.

42- The Shahenshah was the height of authority, with satraps ruling over their satrapies underneath them.

43- Perdiccas’ power depended on his ability to hold Alexander’s enormous empire together, and on whether he could force the satraps to obey him.

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