satires in a sentence

Use ‘satires’ in a sentence | ‘satires’ example sentences

1- Every significant politician and political act had satires to attack it.

2- The themes often talk about jokes, satires or social criticism.

3- A pair of fashion satires of a gentleman.

4- Each of these satires makes the same point.

5- Throughout the 1810s Moore wrote a number of political satires .

6- Not all satires manage to operate on that more visceral level.

7- Swift was a prolific writer, notable for his satires .

8- Leapor also produced several shorter satires on fashionable courtship and marriage.

9- The “chanchada” would often include satires of Hollywood movies.

10- Schauenburg refused to publish further Busch satires to avoid future accusations.

11- The collection also includes political satires and épîtres.

12- He wrote elegiac narratives, romances and satires .

13- Outstanding entertainment and one of the greatest satires in film history.

14- And on this day satires and jokes on anybody is legal.

15- The critics otherwise deplored that the satires could not offer alternatives.

16- Similarly Umar also banned written satires and lampoons.

17- A notable example is the Roman poet Juvenal’s satires .

18- Traube had focused too much on Horace’s ” satires “.

19- Horace’s direct predecessor as writer of satires was Lucilius.

20- During the Frankfort period Busch published three self-contained illustrated satires .

21- All this provided Saltykov with priceless material for his future satires .

22- Everyone knows why I wrote those satires years ago; he must know.

23- His biting satires and philosophical writings demonstrated his aversion to intolerance and tyranny.

24- Leno is natural,his satires draw peels of laughters.

25- Many were humorous or vulgar satires .

26- Julius Rufus, a writer of satires , contemporary with Martial.

27- Giusti wrote epigrammatic satires in popular language.

28- In 1963 Billman returns with his political satires “Time Images”.

29- Other satires are on the list of satirists and satires.

30- Other satires are on the list of satirists and satires .

31- Also see: ” satires ” of Juvenal.

32- To earn extra money he began to write satires in his spare time.

33- satires on everything from sculptors to matadors were described as works of genius.

34- During his lifetime, his prose satires were much better known than his verse.

35- The satires of Salvator Rosa deserve more attention than they have generally received.

36- Beyond horror, Poe also wrote satires , humor tales, and hoaxes.

37- An allegation arose that his published satires were not his own, but stolen.

38- Darwin’s ideas and Huxley’s controversies gave rise to many cartoons and satires .

39- The controversies concerning the surviving texts of the satires have been extensive and heated.

40- In most satires there is sort of a balance between the absurd and real. Works Swift was a prolific writer, notable for his satires.

41- He also published, in 1801, a translation into English verse of the satires of Juvenal.

42- Haskalah focused special hostility to the mysticism of Hasidism, publishing critiques and satires of Hasidic fervour.

43- In 1855, Reverend James Long wrote that this work was “one of the ablest satires on the Calcutta Babu, as he was 30 years ago.

44- Five are sharp satires directed against Zaydún, whom she criticized for, amongst other things, having male lovers.

45- Pope’s reply was a Letter to a Noble Lord, dated November 1733, and the portrait of Sporus in the Epistle to Dr Arbuthnot (1743), which forms the prologue to the satires.

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