biting satire in a sentence

Use ‘biting satire’ in a sentence | ‘biting satire’ example sentences

1- His biting satires and philosophical writings demonstrated his aversion to intolerance and tyranny.

2- Twain’s biting satire on the gruesome Belgian reign over the Congo.

3- In their hands astute and biting satire of institutions and individuals became a popular weapon.

4- It’s been a long time since I read such a forceful, biting satire on our society.

5- Also, beware if you like people – as Renoir’s biting satire doesn’t spare them either.

6- The revue was a biting satire , continuing the response to the High Court ruling against a traditional claim to land ownership.

7- Invincible samples and pays homage to the tragic grandeur of the photographs of Roman Vishniac, the biting satire of George Grosz’s watercolors, and the prophetic mise-en-scene of director Fritz Lang . But Invincible is pure, unadulterated Werner Herzog.

8- With praise, biting satire , and hope, Ray contemplates transformation and attempts with every page to settle peacefully into the now.

9- We, The Undersigned (Orange Tree, Richmond): Alexander Gelman’s sharp, biting satire on Soviet graft, corruption and entrenched power: excellent production by Sam Walters, ingenious train set by Tom Piper.

10- Did The Mushroom – a site built on (and I’m using the term loosely here) biting satire – rise to the occasion by marshalling their meager wit reserves and fire back a scathing rebuttal?

11- I’m using biting satire to underscore my point that such scammers are low-lifes who deserve whatever fate dishes out to them for their disregard toward others.

12- Heine is best known for his bittersweet lyrics, but wrote in many forms, including sonnets, odes, ballads and biting satire .

13- In a book that returns time and time again to the issue of cultural hypocrisy, the most biting satire is saved for those whose three years in Cameroon teach them nothing.

14- The example of the Cynic’s life (and the use of the Cynic’s biting satire ) would dig-up and expose the pretensions which lay at the root of everyday conventions.

15- These trials often focused on well-known scandals or controversial issues and were known for humorous repartee, crude jokes, and biting satire .

16- Other critics have emphasised a desire to capture a snapshot of the society of the day, in the tradition of William Hogarth but with a more neutral stance that lacks the biting satire of Hogarth’s work.

17- Although corruption and laxity within traditional Orders gave Bosch material for some of his most biting satires , one religious society, the Brethren of the Common Life, continued the simplicity and holiness with which it had been founded over a century earlier.

18- James, the poet-chief, (1727–1799) is best remembered for a biting satire he composed in Gaelic in response to Samuel Johnson, the English encyclopedist, who had made derogatory comments about the Scots in his famous trip to the Hebrides.

19- MacFarlane responded that the series uses biting satire as the basis of its humor, and that it was an “equal-opportunity offender.

20- They used their colour pages to present a biting satire of quality commercial media, with rarely seen images of dead and wounded Iraqis juxtaposed against vacuous magazine style copy, such as “Fashion From the Front Line”.

21- Creoles felt that their fellow New Orleanian betrayed them by what they saw as Cable’s excessively biting satire and critique of the Creole community in his fiction.

22- During the trip and their long stay in Paris (1712–1720), they comment, in letters exchanged with friends and mullahs, on numerous aspects of Western, Christian society, particularly French politics and Moors, ending with a biting satire of the System of John Law.

23- Duncombe and his benefactions to St Magnus feature prominently in Daniel Defoe’s “The True-Born Englishman”, a biting satire on critics of William III that went through several editions from 1700 (the year in which Duncombe was elected Sheriff).

24- In 1897, however, Kraus broke from this group with a biting satire ‘ (demolished literature) and was named Vienna correspondent for the newspaper “Breslauer Zeitung”.

25- Freberg’s work reflects both his gentle sensitivity (despite his liberal use of biting satire and parody) and his refusal to accept alcohol and tobacco manufacturers as sponsors–an impediment to his radio career when he took over for Jack Benny on CBS radio.

26- Students are ranked into three groups and receive a corresponding evaluation to which personalized remarks specific to the student are added, e.g. “Your story, “Motel Saturday Night” showed both biting satire and keen understanding of U.S. oil policy.

27- When walking the fine line between bad taste and biting satire , offending your audience and getting them to laugh at themselves, Wayans is guided by only one credo: ‘It’s our own imperfections which make us funny.

28- In the 1943 edition of “Histoire du cinéma”, Robert Brasillach wrote that “The Rules of the Game” was among Renoir’s most “jumbled” and “confused” films but applauded the biting satire , which he considered “Proustian”.

29- Two biting satires , one by Å’colampadius and the other by Willibald Pirckheimer, stung him to a fury which would be satisfied with nothing less than the public burning of the entire literature in the market-place at Ingolstadt, an act from which he was restrained by his colleague Reuchlin.

30- This movie is notable in that director Wong Jing had such a terrible experience working with Jackie Chan in Jing’s previous film “City Hunter” that he chose to make Cheung’s character a biting satire of Chan.

31- Colbert’s biting satire makes waves Unlike his late night rivals, Colbert has burnished his image by tackling political issues with the biting satire of his self-described “fool” persona.

32- Colbert’s biting satire makes waves Unlike his late night rivals, Colbert has burnished his image by tackling political issues with the biting satire of his self-described “fool” persona.

33- While last week ‘s Case Closed conversation was intercut with choppy scenes that failed to launch, this week’s take blossoms into the wonderfully absurd territory Besser is known for, and simultaneously works its way into a biting satire of President Obama’s iffy drone policy.

34- We ‘re hardly expecting a slice of biting satire , when the biggest potential target for comedy and social commentary (we’re looking at you, Cowell) is holding the purse-strings for the show.

35- Both shows may have grade school-aged children , but The Simpsons made the classroom a critical part of its environment; Springfield Elementary housed some of its most biting satire and best comedy.

36- The new film, according to reviews, doesn’t have the biting satire , and apparently lacks the willingness to make any real commentary on today’s society.

37- Released in 1994, Huang’s debut film, Swimming with Sharks is a biting satire of Hollywood politics from the point-of-view of a studio underling.

38- His use of surreal elements, colloquial themes and at times biting satire set precedent for the work of the Melbourne -based Angry Penguins in the mid to late 1940s.

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