Use ‘sap’ in a sentence | ‘sap’ example sentences
101- The Global Leadership Program was launched in 1998 as the Study Abroad Plan (sap), but has since changed its name.
102- In sap documentation the term “dynpro” (dynamic program) refers to the combination of the screen and its flow logic.
103- Xylem sap consists mainly of water and inorganic ions, although it can contain a number of organic chemicals as well.
104- Paracoccus marginatus, commonly known as the papaya mealybug, is a small sap-sucking insect in the Pseudococcidae family.
105- And Hayden contributed to award-winning work for such diverse clients as American Express, Kodak, Motorola, Dove, Cisco and sap.
106- The sap Business ByDesign solution is an on-demand business offering, designed specifically for midsize companies that want to grow.
107- The flushable insert contents include elemental-chlorine-free, farmed tree fluff pulp and super absorber called sap ( sodium polyacrylate ).
108- By facilitating targeted recruitment, the Career Center acts as the free source of jobs and talent for sap‘s partners, customers and vendors.
109- Hindered by having its core technology ( sap R/3 ) owned and controlled by sap, Pandesic could not consider certain market segments without the permission of its founders.
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