Use ‘sap’ in a sentence | ‘sap’ example sentences
51- The five-year outlook for sap is interesting, but could also present a big challenge.
52- Sales rose 20 percent to 4.97 billion euros, boosted by the euro’s drop, sap said yesterday.
53- Under the terms of their partnership, Jasper agreed to integrate its platform with sap‘s HANA.
54- Despite the economic pressures, Ebbeck said sap‘s local business doubled between 2008 and 2011.
55- Workday has indicated that it beats sap and Oracle in two out of three competitive evaluations.
56- A man cycles past the sap logo at its offices in the CityWest complex, Dublin September 5, 2013.
57- sap produces enterprise software to manage business operations and customer relations world-wide.
58- sap also touted the 1,300 customers it now has for sap HANA in the eight months since its launch.
59- They also acknowledged that similar anger had previously been directed at sap-backed Hoffenheim too.
60- Pinterest Slashdot Vuzix had some enterprise momentum with sap pilots and a partnership with Lenovo.
61- But he says humidity will remain low and continue to sap already bone-dry grass and trees of moisture.
62- “sap United States Grand Prix: Back home in Indiana”.
63- On March 22, 2007, Oracle filed a lawsuit against sap.
64- Biofuel Nipah has a very high sugar-rich sap yield(NIRA).
65- Werner Brandt joined sap in 2001 as a member of the sap Executive Board and Chief Financial Officer.
66- Programming Using Base Classes for Java – sap -authorized training center – Apple Authorized Training Center (AATC).
67- sap Business ByDesign is a software as a service (SaaS) offering, and provides a fully integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, On Demand.
68- Bowen was disposed of through the Security Assistance Program (sap), transferred, Foreign Assistance Act (FAA) Section 516, Southern Region Amendment, to Turkey 22 February 2002.
69- The sap is watery, and contains a bitter substance which possesses tonic properties.
70- The Redwood sap is the 36th animated cartoon short subject in the Woody Woodpecker series.
71- Indigenous peoples used to chew gum produced from the tree as well as eat the cambium and sap.
72- The Germans also seemed to be digging new sap trenches which implied that an assault was intended.
73- Feeding Both adult and immature buffalo treehoppers feed upon sap using specialized mouthparts suited for this purpose.
74- On February 19, 2009, Coghead announced that its intellectual property assets (its ‘service’) had been acquired by sap AG (NYSE:sap).
75- As head of Information Systems, Dinesh was instrumental in ensuring the in-house implementation of sap in a record span of six months.
76- There are 212 mammal species, 536 bird species, 240 reptile species, 850 freshwater fish species (Tonle sap Lake area), and 435 marine fish species.
77- The name “TREX” stands for Text Retrieval and information EXtraction, but it is not a registered trade mark of sap and is not used in marketing collateral.
78- Biosphere Reserve In 2001, the Tonle sap Biosphere Reserve (TSBR) of Cambodia was established by Royal Decree of the government of Cambodia to fulfil 3 key functions.
79- These birds feed on sap, mainly from conifers, but insects are their main food source during the nesting season and they also eat berries outside of the breeding period.
80- Household appliances such as water tubs, sap buckets, butter churns, milk pails, and drinking or ladling mugs called piggins, reflected the extensive reach of a coopers’ trade.
81- All former BO employees now officially work for sap.
82- ABeam has the most ERP consultants certified by sap in Japan.
83- sapGuiToolbar A toolbar in an sap GUI for Windows application.
84- sap A sap is a flat-profiled, leather-covered lead rod, fitted with a spring handle.
85- In December 2010, wiki functionality was added to the sap NetWeaver Portal application.
86- Hopp was the co-founder of software firm sap and he put some of his money into the club.
87- He drank madhu (toddy), the liquor fermented from coconut sap, a kind of intoxicating drink.
88- Toddy is the sap of the coconut (palm) tree, a healthy drink which can become heady when fermented.
89- sap is used for broadcasting Canada’s Parliamentary television channel CPAC in both English and French.
90- From release 7.0 onwards, sap Exchange Infrastructure has been renamed as sap Process Integration (sap PI).
91- A number of comparisons have indicated that sap does not provide an accurate model for low-energy buildings.
92- The Secure Store and Forward (SSF) mechanism is used by sap systems to digitally sign and encrypt documents.
93- 2) sap R/3 implementation is not an IT project, in fact is an Organization Project impacting all levels of a company.
94- Seuss, by calling Cerf a sap, was apparently implying that Cerf was being too nice in allowing the book to be published.
95- Cedar waxwing eating tree sap Cedar waxwing eating berries Cedar Waxwings in literature and law According to experts who?
96- GuiXT Fuzion delivers standard or enhanced sap transaction screens in web browser environments with a minimum of development time.
97- sap ERP collects and combines data from the separate modules to provide the company or organization with enterprise resource planning.
98- The Service Advertising Protocol (sap) is included in the Internetwork Packet Exchange (IPX) protocol.
99- Azazul Haque of RJD Shyam Bahadur Singh representing JD(U) in February 2005 and representing sap in 2000.
100- In developing web-based software for sap, Wenig found it very difficult to reproduce problems reported by users.
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