salvations in a sentence

Use ‘salvations’ in a sentence | ‘salvations’ example sentences

1- There were at least 3 salvations during the week.

2- During the month we had 20 visitors and 2 salvations !

3- Helen Vendler believes that the boy represents salvations while the woman is sin.

4- The last matter offers evidence of the confusion that surround the search for salvations .

5- You will undoubtedly witness many salvations and will be led and taught in worship by world-class musicians.

6- Saying also that Jesus said for us to work out OUR OWN salvations with Fear and Trembling .

7- It is already a hate crime in some countries to make exclusive claims of salvations against the truth claims of others.

8- Of course, some like Bullinger explain this by saying that there are two salvations and two separate rewards for believers.

9- There were no salvations at camp, but we knew there were 2 who attended who had not made a profession of faith.

10- Nationally, C12 members touch nearly three percent of the U.S. adult population annually and were privileged to see more than 4000 salvations and to give more than $150 million to support Christian ministry through their marketplace efforts.

11- They learn to see the fruits of business excellence in eternal terms and lead their firms in such a way to increasingly share Christ’s love with stakeholders in tangible ways that result in salvations , discipling, and service to those in need.

12- We live in the dawning of this day and we are beneficiaries of these two salvations , our past salvation from the penalty and power of our sin, and our future salvation from its very presence.

13- Our hearts have been gladdened in these latter days by a clear understanding of the Two salvations and the Philosophy of the Ransom, which truths remain ever fresh and crisp.

14- The revelation of watching this film in its full, widescreen aspect ratio cannot be understated, making Severin’s DVD release one of the great salvations of recent European erotic cinema.

15- Failing to see that the Scriptures teach two salvations (for Christians now and the remainder of mankind in Christ’s kingdom) has resulted in a theological disaster.

16- We did not have any salvations during the week, but we were privileged to spend individual time with the Deaf and their hearing family members which we normally do not get to do in our normal ministry.

17- We have not seen any salvations in the last couple of weeks, but we were able to see evidence that one of our newest attendees has been saved in the past.

18- On all eight days of Chanukah, these lights are sacred, and we are not permitted to make use of them–only to look at them, in order to offer thanks and praise to Your great Name for Your miracles, for Your wonders and for Your salvations .

19- Rather, adopting the patristic perspective of the economy of salvations enables the Constitution to restore to prominence insights into the nature of the liturgy that had not been receiving the attention they deserved.

20- There were long lines, lots of sun, endless truck rides, hikes, more sun, salvations , ministry, laughter, even more sun, free medical care and medicine (oh, and did I mention SUN?) as the team ministered to the physical and spiritual needs of the communities.

21- For the Exodus from Egypt was more than one of the many salvations of Jewish history; it was the first and ultimate bestowal of freedom upon man.

22- The best part was we had 14 professions of Faith ( salvations ) from the children who attended the VBS and 3 from the mission team the came as workers for VBS.

23- Man were they a real blessing to our community!! 317 first time salvations !!

24- RISE 006 – Revelation – ” salvations Answer” LP/MC/CD

25- “If I come away from the jail without at least two to three salvations , I’ve failed,” said Shepherd, who has been working in jail/prison ministry for the last 20 years.

26- “We’ve done this in 57 countries,” said Franklin Graham of the outreach that has seen more than 10 million recorded salvations .

27- “It is clear that he will arise during the resurrection of the dead, and it is even possible that he will arise before others and perform salvations , as our Rabbis wrote.

28- Repentance, warm feelings of love and peace, the ‘return of prodigals,’ and a number of salvations also have been reported….

29- Simeon contrasted these two salvations , saying: Mine eyes have seen thy salvation, . . . a light to lighten the nations, and the glory of thy people, [Spiritual] Israel (Luke 2:30-32).

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