salvation in a sentence

Use ‘salvation’ in a sentence | ‘salvation’ example sentences

1- The road to salvation is very simple.

2- The question of national salvation is still pending.

3- Both doctrines are rooted in works salvation .

4- They taught faith + good works = salvation .

5- This chapter shows that salvation is purchased.

6- The myth of human progress replaces salvation history.

7- Eternal salvation is equally close to everyone.

8- Surely through such an action salvation too is forfeited.

9- It teaches salvation by moral effort alone.

10- salvation is viewed purely in temporal terms.

11- Go sell your universal salvation elsewhere pal .

12- We neither gain nor lose salvation based upon our performance.

13- The bedrock of gospel salvation is revelation.

14- For salvation includes both justification and sanctification.

15- salvation is freely given and freely received.

16- But this very detached attitude makes salvation impossible.

17- salvation A helmet is another defensive shield.

18- Those chosen receive salvation through Christ alone.

19- Evelyn pictured sharing Christ using salvation bracelet.

20- It simply is not a salvation document.

21- Can someone or something “rip away” our salvation ?

22- A salvation story would have been more direct.

23- The redemption was more than a salvation .

24- Jesus was the ultimate teacher of salvation .

25- These things are not relevant to salvation .

26- They dream about unlimited salvation for everybody.

27- Corporate salvation is now more important than individual salvation.

28- Corporate salvation is now more important than individual salvation .

29- He brought hope and taught salvation to thousands.

30- Our main calling is salvation for the lost!

31- This parable does not teach salvation by works.

32- How would these churches define salvation issues?

33- But faith is the determining factor in salvation .

34- The simple truth is that salvation is a divine thing.

35- The conditions of salvation are ever the same.

36- Is not salvation a “free gift”?

37- But the requirement for salvation goes beyond outward things.

38- The salvation of the house was assured.

39- There were 6 who came for salvation .

40- The selling of ” salvation ” will happen once again. Christianity offers a promise of eternal salvation for its followers.

41- We should clean out the storage room, and donate a bunch of stuff to the salvation Army.

42- The salvation Army is looking for donations of articles of clothing for the victims of the fire which destroyed a small apartment complex last weekend.

43- 573171Proceeds from each purchase were donated to the salvation Army.

44- The salvation Army was helping them find a place to stay Tuesday night.

45- Islanders can contact the salvation Army for information on how to apply.

46- He said it himself, “For too long, Africans looked outside for salvation.

47- The need for the salvation Army`s Christmas fundraising campaign is strong.

48- 563181Please contact The salvation Army, at (509) 547-2138 for any questions.

49- The Red Cross and salvation Army established a shelter at a local high school.

50- Members of the salvation Army brass band performed at Wednesday’s announcement.

More Sentences: 123
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