Use ‘safe from’ in a sentence | ‘safe from’ example sentences
50- However, Joie would be safe from elimination as well.
51- Keeps your business safe from viruses and malicious code.
52- In 1944 Brighton was hit by v-1 flying bombs but was safe from the V2 rockets By the end of the war 198 people had been killed during the air raids.
53- Padilla released a statement that repairs to the building were absolutely necessary and that he would not open the doors until the building was safe from structural damages.
54- He also asks her to keep his mind safe from any sort of psychic attacks as he helps Emma.
55- Nobile’s popularity with the public meant he was, for the moment, safe from direct attack.
56- Use her to turn this nation the other way around and to keep her safe from every form of witchcraft.
57- The church was founded around 1177 and subsequently strengthened to make people safe from thieves and looters.
58- Since Jazmin won the challenge, she had the choice of choosing one of the bottom three to be safe from elimination.
59- Episode progress : The contestants won the competition. : The contestant won the challenge and their pair was safe from elimination.
60- Nobody was safe from the perils of a merciless death, no family was complete, no man was free.
61- Bingbong is also safe from the wrath of both fairies and musical storms by his sheer stupidity.
62- Isobel asks Elena if she wants to come with her to a place where it’s safe from Klaus, but Elena refuses.
63- The crew could be safe from mortar fragments and falling debris only within the dank and partially flooded casemates.
64- Here, safe from any incoming light, cells can be read out at any speed one deems necessary to correctly measure the cells’ charge.
65- They have one mission – to defeat the sinister Master Xandred and his army of Nighloks and make our universe safe from evil once and for all.
66- The Normans laid the place waste about 860 and 880. Ten years later the town and monastery had built fortified walls and were safe from their attack.
67- A U.S. flag was flown over Black Kettle’s lodge, since he had been told “as long as he flew the American flag, he and his people would be safe from U.S. soldiers”.
68- Benares was a refugee ship, carrying children from Britain to Canada to keep them safe from The Blitz on Britain’s cities. 258 people, including 77 children, were killed.
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Related Words:
safe to assume – safe and well – make it safe – from a safe distance – at a safe distance – safe method – keep a safe distance – safe from – safe and sound – safe for – safe to – safe to use – safe to drink – safe to eat – feel safe –
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