safe from in a sentence

Use ‘safe from’ in a sentence | ‘safe from’ example sentences

1- In orthodox villages monkeys are safe from harm.

2- This makes your data safe from abuse.

3- No man is safe from a false accusation.

4- Nobody and nothing is safe from war.

5- The city was safe from capture at least.

6- The eagles were safe from all harm.

7- I figured I was safe from detection.

8- The purpose being to keep your family safe from harm.

9- This keeps them safe from outside, unknown predators.

10- The contestant received the gold lock and was safe from elimination.

11- Ewing’s responsibilities included keeping the border safe from guerrilla attacks.

12- The contestant won the challenge and was safe from elimination.

13- The winning team will be safe from expulsion.

14- No one is safe from the pirate fleet.

15- No friend or lover was safe from being turned into fiction.

16- Those who were released aren’t safe from deportation.

17- This can help keep your home safe from unwanted guests.

18- Your women are not safe from his advances .

19- No medium was safe from the Xerox treatment .

20- An armed and educated populace is a populace safe from crime.

21- We made it home safe from an awesome trip.

22- He wanted it kept very safe from all harm.

23- It is what makes Apple safe from viruses.

24- Not even remote mountain villages were safe from their predation.

25- And few were safe from being deemed effeminate.

26- This was done to keep the ship safe from American planes.

27- True, we are not safe from elite.

28- The Team won the challenge and became safe from elimination.

29- No animal is safe from him, we are told.

30- Thieves stole the safe from my brother’s home.

31- The Crane keeps his little one safe from harm.

32- You are quite safe from the identification with the body.

33- Keep the referred person and the campus safe from harm.

34- In doing so we are also keeping communities safe from diseases.

35- Vaccines help keep us safe from infectious diseases.

36- Lara will be safe from the flame here.

37- Global food safety: Keeping food safe from farm to table.

38- Even the sidewalks are not safe from them .

39- The birds are warm, dry, and safe from predators. A turtle’s protective shell is very useful in keeping it safe from predators.

40- 482384Mersereau said she believes a miracle kept the room safe from the fire.

41- Reporter: “How does the city assure the people that they’re safe from drivers?”

42- Those things should be kept in the back yard to keep them safe from rotten people.

43- O’Brien said the case of Williams, who is white, proves nobody is safe from such abuses.

44- Just because a thunderstorm is far away does not mean that you are safe from being struck.

45- The Environment Agency says the city is now safe from further flooding for the time being.

46- Immunization need not reach 100 percent to keep a population safe from widespread outbreaks.

47- Rest assured that sensitive data you need to send via email is much more safe from prying eyes.

48- Effective procedures were also found to be in place to keep people safe from abuse and mistreatment.

49- Windows 8.1 and Chrome are considered safe from the Angler instance that the researcher has analysed.

More Sentences: 12
Related Words:
safe to assumesafe and wellmake it safefrom a safe distanceat a safe distancesafe methodkeep a safe distancesafe fromsafe and soundsafe forsafe tosafe to usesafe to drinksafe to eatfeel safe

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