sac in a sentence 3

Use ‘sac’ in a sentence | ‘sac’ example sentences

101- In June 1952, sac inactivated the old 28th BG and assigned its squadrons directly under the 28 BW as part of the Tri-Deputate Organization.

102- As early as 1859, there was talk of building a railroad through sac County, but the first railroad did not come through sac City until 1879.

103- Since unattached kinetchores establish and maintain the sac, Mad2 is recruited to prevent these misaligned sister chromatids from separating.

104- The sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa is one of three federally recognized Native American tribe of sac and Meskwaki (Fox) peoples.

105- During May 1968, sac members, disguised as ambulance crew, took demonstrators to their headquarters, rue de Solférino, where they were beaten up.

106- The egg sac, a round silken globe, is attached to the spinnerets at the end of the abdomen, allowing the spider to carry her unborn young with her.

107- The DEST provides guidance to the FBI Special Agent in Charge (sac) concerning weapons of mass destruction (WMD) threats and actual incidents/attacks.

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