sacerdotal in a sentence

Use ‘sacerdotal’ in a sentence | ‘sacerdotal’ example sentences

1- The imperial and sacerdotal powers were allied together.

2- The spell of sacerdotal rule was broken.

3- In the Church there are sacerdotal orders and monastic orders.

4- Let the sacerdotal church look at its ministers!

5- Chastity is required of the respective sacerdotal orders.

6- And there was rich religious literature in the form of sacerdotal chants.

7- Power over people: the sacerdotal few over the compliant many.

8- The complete list of sacerdotal names would normally have included twenty-four priestly wards.

9- The church sanctioned a sacerdotal kingship, confirming the royal line’s legitimacy.

10- The sacerdotal Council examines the plans made by the Popular Council.

11- In this sense, the believer himself or herself performs the sacerdotal role .

12- The sacerdotal character assumed an ascendency which rightfully belonged only to intellectual supremacy.

13- He created the officials named Fetiales who were a sacerdotal “collegium”.

14- December 22, 1997, was the forty-first anniversary of my sacerdotal ordination.

15- Yet the most prominent feature of the Roman priesthood is its sacerdotal or sacrificial character.

16- Like the rosary and novenas, these were lay rather than sacerdotal forms of worship.

17- She was aided in her sacerdotal duties by a girl from every household in the community.

18- Such was the highest and most concrete expression of the great zeal of his sacerdotal heart.

19- Pendant quatre ans, il exerce le ministère sacerdotal dans cette paroisse.

20- They then began to strip him of the sacerdotal habit in which he had been clothed.

21- Pus XI, Ad Catholic sacerdotal , 20-12 1935; HK 1254) .

22- The sacerdotal Council: composed of Priests, Bishops, Archbishops and Principal Archbishops.

23- Many priests in the country consider this to be the day when they renew their sacerdotal vows.

24- The man is in fact respected in the family precisely because of the sacerdotal function that he fulfils.

25- Catharism attracted numerous women with the promise of a sacerdotal role that the Catholic Church did not allow.

26- In Orthodox terminology, “priesthood” or ” sacerdotal ” refers to the ministry of bishops and priests.

27- Those heads of institutions are best accepted who combine the sacerdotal office with a high degree of pecuniary efficiency.

28- Lea, Henry Charles, “History of sacerdotal Celibacy”, Houghton Mifflin, 1867.

29- These outlying orders of the priestly class are not a sacerdotal element in the full sense of the term.

30- This was to despoil the bishop of his sacerdotal character and to make a State functionary of him.

31- These three gifts represent the three powers: royal represented by gold, spiritual by myrrh and sacerdotal by frankincense.

32- sacerdotal Confession and Absolution.

33- On the contrary, they were quite independent of the sacerdotal order, and of the royal power as well.

34- After mass, he went into his cabinet, and the priest into my room to remove his sacerdotal garments.

35- All plans made by the Popular Council and favoured by the sacerdotal Council are submitted to High Council for approval.

36- Islam, like Judaism, has no clergy in the sacerdotal sense; there is no institution resembling the Christian priesthood.

37- This is especially applicable if the duty to supply is rooted in their own sacerdotal or, still more, episcopal state.

38- This was for the purpose of obtaining the sacerdotal robes, and other things necessary to say mass on the following morning.

39- The Romanian Orthodox Church made the decision, which is contested by ECOF, to depose bishop Germain from all sacerdotal functions.

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