resign from a position in a sentence

Use “resign from a position” in a sentence | “resign from a position” example sentences

1- Jones resigned from the position in early September 2009.

2- Peña-Mora resigned from the position on July 3, 2012.

3- resigned from the position on 10-9-1995.

4- He would later resign from the position on November 8, 2009.

5- After the loss Stanimir Stoilov resigned from the position of manager.

6- In November 2012, party chairman Jayantha Ketagoda resigned from the position .

7- He resigned from the position in 1985 when he became U.S. Trade Representative.

8- This was the first time a manager of England had resigned from the position .

9- There was no spill for deputy leader however Treasurer Wayne Swan resigned from the position .

10- The next year, frustrated by the Washington bureaucracy, Farmer resigned from the position .

11- Wilson ‘s appointment follows six months after John Riccitiello resigned from the position in March.

12- He resigned from the position in 2009, and was succeeded by Belinda Campbell in 2010.

13- Luongo served in that capacity for two seasons before resigning from the position in September 2010.

14- In 1952 Charles H Roe resigned from the position of managing director, although he remained as chairman.

15- On February 4, 1899, he resigned from the position of president of the Council of Secretaries.

16- The following day, immediate past president Sandwell resigned from the position he had retained, that of executive officer.

17- On 2 April, Ahern announced his intention to resign from the position of Taoiseach, effective 6 May 2008.

18- On 2 July 2012, Marcus Agius, chairman of Barclays, resigned from the position following the interest rate rigging scandal.

19- Maria’s mother Bronisława operated a prestigious Warsaw boarding school for girls; she resigned from the position after Maria was born.

20- On the same day, Hossam Badrawi resigned from the position and the party, less than a week after taking office.

21- On 26 February 2013, with the Phoenix sitting in last place, Ricki Herbert resigned from the position of Head Coach.

22- Paul Fiani, the group’s head of Australian equities, has resigned from the position to form his own “boutique” funds management operation.

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