position of strength in a sentence

Use “position of strength” in a sentence | “position of strength” example sentences

1- Both his coups began with a ruthless pre-emptive strike from a position of strength.

2- We must negotiate from a position of strength.

3- I think he was negotiating from a position of strength .

4- But this time from a position of strength .

5- This enhances the record company representative’s position of strength and authority.

6- Gloucester decided to withdraw from his position of strength in Edinburgh.

7- We come from a historical position of strength in compute and servers.

8- Scrap the whole thing or start again from a position of strength .

9- Mercia thus enjoyed a greatly enhanced position of strength relative to the surrounding kingdoms.

10- From that position of strength , he supervised the return of representative institutions.

11- He has empowered Islam to go forward from a new position of strength .

12- He can not negotiate from a position of strength because he has none.

13- Start from a position of strength , not WEAKNESS.

14- The president said the United States is moving forward from a position of strength .

15- Only those who understand their supplier costs can negotiate from a position of strength !

16- One reason is that Bush occupies the vastly superior political position of strength and motive.

17- Australians should be confident that we can tackle racism from a position of strength .

18- The mobile units needed positions of strength where they could encamp and draw on supplies.

19- Let us be clear that we do so from a position of strength .

20- We missed tackles and allowed them to assume a position of strength just before half-time .

21- Both his coups began with a ruthless pre-emptive strike from a position of strength .

22- It implies that Colombo would deal with the ethnic issue from the position of strength .

23- On the other hand, Aberdeen and Pakenham were negotiating from a position of strength .

24- The remaining Native American groups banded together to face the Europeans from a position of strength .

25- Not surprisingly princes were concerned to build up a position of strength during their fathers’ lifetimes.

26- The hosts were put in a position of strength thanks largely to Cheteshwar Pujara ‘s 204.

27- And Iran came to the table, and we are negotiating from a position of strength .

28- She administered from a position of strength , ranging from setting university policy to managing its finances.

29- Addressing it with a fear of loss is not doing so from a position of strength .

30- These relations have created a position of strength with African nations that other nations may not possess.

31- Contracts tend to be signed in favour of the party negotiating from a greater position of strength .

32- The record book shows what it does as Aus were unable to capitalise from positions of strength .

33- Consequently, he feels that talks with Iran should only be approached from a position of strength .

34- Islam never took advantage of its position of strength to force men to accept the religion of God.

35- Unlike this time 12 months ago, the vacancy puts the desirable candidate in a position of strength .

36- The strategy was to force its opponents to the conference table and negotiate from a position of strength .

37- Trading from a position of strength (D prospects) doesn’t have to be a bad thing.

38- In this way, Mannerheim could judge if Hitler was speaking from a position of strength or weakness.

39- Marshall admires The Wedding Present, but their position of strength will only last while record sales are healthy.

40- She’s taking over from a position of strength since she knows most of the girls from middle school.

41- You’re in a position of strength as a potential client who is checking out the service on offer.

42- When Wulfhere attacked Oswiu’s son Ecgfrith in 674, he did so from a position of strength .

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