press powder in a sentence

press powder in a sentence

1) The powder is pressed into the desired shape.

2) Apply loose powder or pressed powder evenly over the foundation.

3) This powder is pressed and bonded into pellets through a heating process called sintering.

4) Loose translucent powder is best, as it’s much finer than pressed powder .

5) A prismatic moulded powder was made by pressing incorporated powder into moulds using hydraulic pressure.

6) When a powder is pressed into a tablet, the finer minerals concentrate at the surface.

7) pressed powder is a cake of face powder pressed into a mirrored compact with a puff or sponge.

8) pressed powder is a cake of face powder pressed into a mirrored compact with a puff or sponge.

9) Put a clean-room rag under the filament and press the powder gently into the filament to load it.

10) When metal or ceramic powders are pressed together and heated, atoms diffuse from one particle to the next.

11) Go Natural ‘s ® All In One Cosmetic ®, multi-functioning pressed powder became an instant best-seller.

12) The chalk used on blackboards today is usually made of gypsum or calcium sulphate, a powder pressed into sticks.

13) The great thing about this pressed powder is thatit doesn’t dry your skin, unlike other mineral powders I tried.

14) The process required pressing tungsten powder into bars, then several steps of sintering, swaging, and then wire drawing.

15) One important step was to press the powder into pellets, allowing a slower, more controlled explosion and a longer barrel.

16) If your skin doesn’t need much coverage, stick to a light application of tinted moisturizer, or swipe on a little oil-absorbing pressed powder .

17) It is produced from activated carbon powder pressed into the desired shape, forming a block with a wide distribution of pore sizes.

18) Some families prefer “tsokolate” prepared from “tablea” or tablets of pressed cocoa powder that is either pure or slightly sweetened.

19) My scalp is no odor – it come in a classy European guy kind of a pressed powder on your face & then that’s it, but it’s great deal.

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