powder dry in a sentence

powder dry in a sentence

1) Keep your powder dry for something useful .

2) Farron is understood to be keeping his powder dry until next year.

3) Perhaps the fans were keeping their powder dry so they could explode when Benítez appeared ?

4) Long summer droughts can expose huge expanses of peat to the sun, making it powder dry .

5) Gun-rights advocates should drop the bill and keep their powder dry for real battles over Second Amendment .

6) He did not rise to the bait , but kept his powder dry for a tilt at his chosen time.

7) We consolidated our gains and decided to keep our powder dry by raising the proportion of our Fund we held in cash.

8) With powder dry and Flag flying . . . Pete

9) Keep your powder dry !!

10) “Our analysis of the various options suggests that the ECB is likely to keep its powder dry on Thursday,” Commerzbank economist Michael Schubert said.

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