power influence in a sentence

power influence in a sentence

1) Its power and influence has been diminished.

2) Develop a conceptual framework for understanding power and influence .

3) He did not have physical power or political influence .

4) False prophets identify blessings with money, power and influence .

5) Only in Sparta did women possess economic power and influence .

6) To project power and economic influence on Earth .

7) power and influence are what social systems live on.

8) Yet this private health care industry has enormous lobbying power and influence .

9) Local government has had its powers and influence greatly curbed.

10) It also represents intellectual power and influence over situations and things .

11) The application of power or influence to settle the conflict.

12) The final leader-focused approach is power and influence .

13) The Heterodynes once wielded considerable power and influence across the continent.

14) The range of power and influence differed between the chieftains.

15) These texts describe the power and the influence of Satan.

16) Maybe the power and influence of the church was a factor.

17) Udai Singh’s power and influence was broken.

18) Gatekeepers have less power and influence , while individuals have more.

19) Develop your own strategy for building and exercising power and influence responsibly.

20) Tikal was not sacked but its power and influence were broken.

21) China’s economy, military power and global influence continued to expand.

22) This Dzi enables the wearer to gain power and influence .

23) There ‘s incredible purchasing power and influence driving the She-conomy.

24) War would preserve his power and influence in the State.

25) Traditional unions experienced a loss of power , influence , and members.

26) This caused his power and influence to increase in the military government.

27) Human nature has always sought that kind of of spiritual power and influence .

28) Does politics mean the struggle for power , influence , and self-determination?

29) From then on his power and influence was limited to Mecklenburg.

30) However, the Bishop retained nominal power and influence in Biel.

31) Her widower, Sir Walter, rose in power and influence .

32) Whilst retaining their wealth, they thus lost access to power and influence .

33) How should a business respond to these variations in stakeholder power and influence ?

34) Meanwhile, Jiin’s power and influence grew within Digu.

35) Many true missionaries and church planters had no worldly money, power or influence .

36) Moreover, it will further the concentration of financial power and political influence .

37) It is also the foundation of our power and influence throughout the world.

38) From the early 16th century, Aachen started losing its power and influence .

39) But its dreadful record has not stopped it from gaining unprecedented power and influence .

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