power energy in a sentence

power energy in a sentence

1) We use off peak power and energy efficient lighting.

2) Is it brain power or energy of consciousness?

3) Water comes first and then power and energy .

4) A balancing, affirmed power , an energy increasing in potency.

5) Sculptures began expressing more power and energy during this time period.

6) This does not mean they are a source of power or energy .

7) Tarja’s voice is stunning in range, power and overall energy .

8) A green coconut is used to consumed the power and energy of victim.

9) It is the dynamic, the power , the energy that underlies life.

10) Luminous flux : visible power , or light energy per unit of time.

11) These would apply both to nuclear power and alternative energies (principally wind).

12) Azuri’s mission is to give power , energy and lighting to everyone.

13) His game has a particular dependence on “sheer strength, power and energy “.

14) Spreading the word about solar power and energy is no easy feat, though.

15) They include biomass, geothermal energy, hydroelectric power , solar energy , tidal energy.

16) The commodities within an electric market generally consist of two types: power and energy .

17) This power , or energy or shakti , is often personified in feminine terms.

18) Take away the power or energy of life and you have a dead soul.

19) Welcome to the world of solar jobs , free solar power , and free energy .

20) Smart grid technology can help balance electricity supply from wind power or solar energy with demand.

21) There are spirits and powers and energies and senses beyond the physical all around us.

22) In today’s language, it refers to the power and energy inside an object.

23) Non-combustion heat sources such as solar power, nuclear power or geothermal energy may be used.

24) These were all operations that required a lot more power and energy than mere attitude control.

25) Note that in popular usage, the terms of power and energy are often used interchangeably.

26) This dome of light suggests harnessed power and energy that revitalizes him as he sleeps.

27) The show jumper is generally a horse that has more power and energy than a show hunter.

28) It’s a question of finding a more balanced approach to power , energy and environmental management.

29) McIntyre says the most significant impediment to mining development is lack of low-cost power and other energy .

30) You too will feel the joy of harnessing the power and energy of simple and ancient machines.

31) But in times of lesser peril, the third eye is connection point of tremendous power and energy .

32) These things give you the power and energy to be productive when you return to work.

33) These resources include, wind power , turbine energy , solar panel energy and magnetic generator for electricity production.

34) Includes a 10-minute “Healing Circle of Light” demonstrating the power and energy of group healing.

35) Blunt has supported the development of biomass, biofuels, wind power and solar energy as alternative energy sources.

36) Regulatory reform, new mining ventures, nuclear power and renewable energy are all major items on the docket.

37) I think the live double album Strange Behaviour really captures the power and energy that Karnataka were capable of.

38) His initiatives included supply side economic policies, planning nuclear power and energy and reorganizing and reforming the Pakistani military.

39) The universal system meant that power or energy could be used in a variety of ways at many different voltages.

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