powder tang in a sentence

powder tang in a sentence

1) There is a powder blue tang in it infected with ich.

2) I had a powder blue tang who was doing really well until last Friday.

3) Everyone was doing great until I purchased a powder blue tang .Ich city.

4) Also, what about introducing a Sailfin tang to my powder blue tang ?

5) Additionally, the powder blue tang still does not take introduced food and only grazes from the rock.

6) I noticed that my emperor and powder blue tang goes and checks on him, and something is not right.

7) Zebrasoma xanthurum is not of the genus Acanthurus> I looked at a powder blue tang and an Achilles tang.

8) The angel is in a tank with a powder blue tang , a porcupine, a Harlequin tusk wrasse and a squirrel.

9) In the display are 2 clowns, a Longnose butterfly, a powder blue tang , two skunk cleaners, two emerald crabs and a bunch of snails and hermits.

10) Sorry to hear that!> At this point I have lost my powder brown tang and I am nursing a sick porcupine puffer back to health.

11) As far as tank mates I have 20 crabs had 12 snails, one powder brown tang , sail fin tang,2 yellow tangs,2 skunk shrimp and a piece of coral.

12) I have a powder brown tang which has picked up a quarter of an inch long light brown crustacean on its anal fin.

13) I have a 6 mth old 180 tank in which my last fish added was a powder blue tang which I didn’t (first) quarantine.

14) But, you did not include species of starfish, hermit crabs, powder brown tang , or corals and no water quality parameters.

15) I have a 135gNot large enough…> with powder blue tang , 2 perculas, black cap, bi color blenny, and mandarin goby.

16) Approximately 3 1/2 weeks ago I added the powder blue tang .

17) BobF> re: Blue hippo tang and powder brown tang 10/6/08 Where can I find this stuff I can’t find any place on the web to buy it?

18) Re: Blue hippo tang and powder brown tang … and other copper sensitive fishes — 10/5/08 I diagnosed my fish of having crypt.

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