powder diffraction in a sentence

powder diffraction in a sentence

1) These were identified by using powder x-ray diffraction .

2) Nevertheless powder X-ray diffraction is a powerful and useful technique in its own right.

3) powder diffraction can be combined with “in situ” temperature and pressure control.

4) The Hanawalt Award is awarded for excellence for important contributions to the field of x-ray powder diffraction .

5) A good way to determine the elements of the tensor is to study the expansion by powder diffraction .

6) powder diffraction is therefore one of the most powerful methods to identify and characterize new materials in this field.

7) The biennial Charles Barrett Award has been established in 1986 to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of powder diffraction .

8) Many materials are readily available with sufficient microcrystallinity for powder diffraction , or samples may be easily ground from larger crystals.

9) In most simple cases, powder diffraction may be used to determine the size of the moments and their spatial orientation.

10) In powder diffraction , intensity is homogeneous over φ* and χ*, and only q remains as an important measurable quantity.

11) powder diffraction .

12) powder diffraction .

13) powder diffraction fingerprinting (1D)

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