pounces in a sentence

pounces in a sentence

1) How rapidly it pounces , tracks us down.

2) The cat pounces and catches the bird in mid-air.

3) It stalks its prey and then pounces on it.

4) The rapist who pounces from behind a hedge is an opportunist.

5) Dewey pounces like a jaguar, all teeth fast forward.

6) The cat then pounces upon the mouse and devours it.

7) She then pounces on T.J. at the first chance.

8) He lies in wait for his quarry and pounces upon it suddenly.

9) Within 2 seconds the monster pounces , pummeling him to near death.

10) Lineker pounces and ref Roberts steps in for the stoppage .

11) The werewolf promptly pounces on her and kills her in her bed.

12) Then pounces on those that disagree.

13) And here the Romney team pounces .

14) The husband pounces on it; the Common Law makes it his.

15) Akram pounces on it, creaming it to the Tavern rope.

16) Fettel then pounces on his mother and begins to violently cannibalize her.

17) Ever-vigilant Neville pounces on this opportunity to invade and steal Santa’s secret.

18) Jean pounces on the opportunity.

19) He wobbles , and Mizugaki pounces .

20) Hirota exposes his back , Yahya pounces and the Brazilian wins via first-round RNC.

21) When a jaguar pounces , sometimes one bite is all it takes to get a meal.

22) The cat is transfixed by this appealing sight and pounces , sinking its teeth into the prey.

23) Evans botches a clearance , and Mata pounces , his dancing feet far too sharp for Evans.

24) While T.J. bombards the base, MASSINA pounces on the convoy of supply ships in the rear.

25) To disguise themselves Zagłoba pounces on an old blind minstrel and a young boy and steals their clothes.

26) Suddenly Hawkeye, still disguised as a bear, pounces on Magua while Heyward ties him up.

27) The jailers chant until the voices become deafening and finally the owl breaks through and pounces on the rat.

28) It looks like Jung ‘s shoulder just dislocated and he tries to put it back in as Aldo pounces .

29) The red-capped robin mostly pounces on prey on the ground, although it can swoop and catch creatures while airborne.

30) Also various Yue Jia Quan sets feature a “Preying Mantis pounces on Prey” claw hand posture as well.

31) Julie’s father pushes Randal out of the way and, after seeing Dante’s actions, pounces on him.

32) Such alternative methods used include using sewing machines, sewing pounces , leather punches, modified veterinary needles, and speciality scissors.

33) If the fallen bat doesn’t fly away in time, the monkey pounces on it on the ground and eats it.

34) If a customer hesitates in deciding what he or she wants on the $ 3 dog, Carlos pounces on the opportunity.

35) Burns pounces on the idea, knowing that he will not have to pay to bring the plant up to code anymore.

36) When he walks in on the two women arguing , Kirsty pounces on Max and kisses him passionately in front of Tanya.

37) The ole cow must ‘ave seen me go in there from the winder an’ suddenly the law pounces on me.

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