poultice in a sentence
1) The other may need another poultice treatment .
2) Fresh poultices needs to be applied several times daily.
3) A raw potato poultice over the area is helpful.
4) He decided on a brutal vinegar poultice .
5) There are many other methods including capsules, poultices and oils.
6) Yet the actual healing is a simple poultice of figs.
7) Healing clay poultices were used, packed in the mouth.
8) Kill the cancer cells directly with a garlic poultice .
9) They check diarrhea, and are poulticed on wounds.
10) I have never heard of this particular poultice .
11) A charcoal poultice can be a help.
12) At night, charcoal poultices can be attached and left overnight.
13) First, a clay poultice is applied for one hour.
14) They made a cooling poultice from the seeds for boils.
15) poultice powders are out there in the market.
16) Every night apply a poultice of raw potato mixed with flaxseed.
17) Mustard poultices were applied to treat the discharges.
18) Use the Green Tea poultice more frequently.
19) Fear spread cold over her body, like a dead poultice .
20) We may also use raw herbs to make teas or poultices .
21) This ointment or poultice was applied to the body.
22) A clay poultice was applied to the entire area for one hour.
23) Soak or poultice pad is the question?
24) A poultice of honey and cayenne pepper might work the best.
25) poultices are also used to help wounds heal faster by creating blood flow.
26) Apply warm poultices of 3% boric acid on the closed lid.
27) Herbal poultices are prepared with various herbs and medicated powder.
28) Use the Green Tea poultice twice daily as per the instructions.
29) Kaolin clay may also be used as a poultice .
30) Some use a flaxseed poultice to soften and mature the head.
31) Stains require some special removal techniques, such as the poultice method.
32) poultices of comfrey root or leaf may be used for sore nipples.
33) A disposable nappy is an excellent cover over foot poultices and retains heat.
34) Echinacea can be used, or a clay poultice .
35) Recently a neighbor approached me about how to make a poultice .
36) To make the poultice , peel and crush several cloves of garlic.
37) Others are added to baths, compresses, poultices and skin care agents.
38) A compound infusion was taken and poultice was applied to the chest for pneumonia.
39) It can be used as a compress or poultice to the chest.
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