postage and packing in a sentence

Use “postage and packing” in a sentence | “postage and packing” example sentences

1- Price £5 plus 50p postage and packing .

2- The prices given here include postage and packing .

3- Prices include postage and packing to UK addresses.

4- Price £29.75 plus 10% postage and packing .

5- Q: How much is your postage and packing ?

6- Price £18.95 plus postage and packing .

7- The price is £2.50 plus 50 pence for postage and packing .

8- All for only £8.95 including postage and packing .

9- The price shown for the goods includes VAT, postage and packing .

10- postage and packing Prices for all goods exclude postage and packing.

11- postage and packing Prices for all goods exclude postage and packing .

12- Price £9.75 (plus £1.25 postage and packing ).

13- All prices include postage and packing within the UK and Northern Ireland.

14- The basket costs just £17.95, inclusive of postage and packing .

15- Exact prices and postage and packing charges will be given on request.

16- Price £16.95 (plus £1.85 postage and packing ).

17- Kik-Step offer price is only £34.95 including VAT, postage and packing .

18- Please note that £1.50 postage and packing will be added to postal orders.

19- The price of the book is £19.95 plus £1.50 postage and packing .

20- postage and packing for a single CD within the UK is £2.00.

21- postage and packing is £2.80.

22- postage and packing costs £ 2.95.

23- Price £2.50 plus 50p postage and packing from the Festival Booking Office.

24- postage and packing is free for UK orders, £1.10 for overseas orders.

25- At only £9.95, including postage and packing , it’s a bargain.

26- The Corporation will only charge for postage and packing for the major or heaviest items.

27- Or you can buy a copy direct from us for £7.50 including postage and packing .

28- If you wish to add the postage and packing cost to your purchase monies, that is acceptable.

29- Price £55.81 plus £2.35 postage and packing (cheques payable to University of Birmingham).

30- The Sawbench Workhorse units are on offer for £19.95, including VAT and postage and packing .

31- The Trestle Workhorse units are on offer for £37.95, including VAT, postage and packing .

32- The following is a list of the suggested minimum donations for these items, including all postage and packing .

33- It holds up to four yarns and costs just £3.95 plus 25p for postage and packing from .

34- Cost: £8 plus £3 for postage and packing outside the UK; £1 within the UK.

35- Please make cheques for £14.95 (which includes postage and packing ) payable to Reed Business Publishing Group.

36- We are offering this invaluable aid to power tool use at only £17.95 , including VAT, postage and packing .

37- and at just £19.95 each (plus postage and packing ) this is a collecting treat not to be missed.

38- If asked, Express will no doubt provide full size copies of the photgraphs, including prints, but expect a small charge to cover printing and postage and packing costs.

39- But if you’d like a copy we’ll be happy to send you one for a fiver to cover copying, postage and packing .

40- Priced at £3.50 at the NEC show, we’re offering them for only £2.50, inclusive of postage and packing .

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