the post in a sentence

Use “the post” in a sentence | “the post” example sentences

1- the post was quickly derided across social media.

2- the post changed hands several times during fighting.

3- the post office does not forward 3rd class mail.

4- Such modifications shall become effective immediately upon the posting thereof.

5- the post does note “problems with code”.

6- I check the posts every few days.

7- the post moves animations take too long.

8- the post has really peaks my interest.

9- the post office systems are not perfect.

10- the post office loses money every year.

11- the posts are jaw bones of whales.

12- A furious battle raged until the post fell shortly before dawn.

13- the post office was founded in 1906.

14- the post conducted its wanting service mostly under bad road conditions.

15- the posts are still visible at extreme low tides.

16- the account is operated via the post .

17- the post embodies a quite common mistake.

18- the post war classic car market boom was just emerging.

19- the post will feature exactly 20 lore questions.

20- the post office remained in operation however until 1942.

21- the post cards are available throughout Canada.

22- the posts are definitely getting more personal… both ways.

23- the post product detector AF chain sounds great.

24- the post had been vacant since December 2006.

25- the post says that the door is unmarked!

26- the posts are made in two parts.

27- the posted a tobacco advertisement for six weeks.

28- But the post war attempt to repent.

29- They remained friends into the post war period.

30- I agree with the posts being posted.

31- the spring rains wash away all the post winter melt.

32- See the post which includes many examples.

33- That is the distance between the posts .

34- My permit application is in the post .

35- I agree to the post above mine.

36- the posts below this one may contain spoilers.

37- If anything else at least the posts are wildly entertaining!

38- the post office is well known for losing mail.

39- Seller claims the post office lost the package.

40- She has held the post for seven years.

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