similar position in a sentence

Use “similar position” in a sentence | “similar position” example sentences

1- Other modern theologians have taken similar positions .

2- A great many scholars have adopted a similar position .

3- Other Western governments took a similar position .

4- A similar position was reiterated by the government in 1905.

5- The Republican Party platform takes a similar position .

6- similar positions were crafted along the 2 mi stretch of landing beaches.

7- Ask others in similar positions what they use.

8- Worcester’s clerk took a similar position on April 16.

9- Elliott and him were both in a similar position .

10- The Human Rights Council expressed a similar position .

11- Lloyd (1989:261) takes a similar position .

12- A similar position was held by Karnabatt.

13- I am seeking a similar position in Cyprus or Greece.

14- In 1919 Eliot felt himself to be in a similar position .

15- Michigan State ended up in a similar position two drives later.

16- similar positions on Taiwan are taken by a majority of countries.

17- The Scottish and Welsh Offices were in similar positions .

18- Are they comparable to expectations for other employees in similar positions ?

19- Wish all the skaters in a similar position had that attitude!

20- The POG was in a similar position .

21- These sentiments are beginning to be echoed by others in similar positions .

22- Consider his training and experience he has gained in similar positions elsewhere.

23- This reflects the similar position held by Murukan amongst Tamils.

24- Nobel Prize laureate Richard Feynman advocated a similar position .

25- Louisville’s team is actually in a very similar position to us.

26- She had also applied for other, similar positions , numerous times.

27- Improperly closing an interview will leave you in a similar position .

28- It occurred to me that women were in a somewhat similar position .

29- EAA officials fear they will be in a similar position .

30- Retired Major Anthony Krupa is in a similar position .

31- The shark’s prodigious hunting skills earned it a similar position among oceanic peoples.

32- However, women in a similar position are not necessarily ascribed that status.

33- It is a similar position to what Lexus was in 25 years ago .

34- Compared to similar positions , La Ferté was understaffed with officers.

35- They slavishly and unimaginatively copy each other, all holding similar positions .

36- Alec Nove and Janos Kornai held similar positions regarding economic equilibrium.

37- I am sure many of you out there are in a similar position .

38- Senate Intelligence Committee officials said last week that they had reached a similar position .

39- Even once elected, women tend to hold lesser valued cabinet ministries or similar positions .

40- At Ipswich a Trust in a similar position concentrate on their community role.

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