pope in a sentence

Use ‘pope’ in a sentence | ‘pope’ example sentences

1- It is revealed that the Cardinals’ endorsing of him would in fact have made him pope by acclamation .

2- The pope threatened to absolve Philip’s subjects from their allegiance.

3- Business in regard to the abdication of pope Gregory was discussed.

4- The pope appeared in his red robe.

5- The pope was greeted by a crowd of thousands of his humble followers.

6- Alexander pope once noted that fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

7- pope Leo the Great was famous for preventing the Huns from sacking Rome.

8- As I read through the letters, I realized that the pope was the true culprit.

9- The pope continues to forbid the use of birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

10- In 1521, King Henry VIII was awarded the title of “Defender of the Faith” by pope Leo X.

11- The supremacy of the pope began to be questioned beginning around the fourteenth century.

12- In July of 1536, the authority of the pope was declared void in England by an act of Parliament.

13- In the early 1500s, pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

14- In March of 1558, Ferdinand I assumed the title of Holy Roman Emperor without being crowned by the pope.

15- John VIII, who died in 882, was the first pope to be murdered, he was poisoned, and then clubbed to death.

16- In November of 1534, King Henry VIII became head of the English church – a role formerly held by the pope.

17- After being ousted from Rome by the Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV, pope Gregory VII fled to exile in Salerno.

18- Alexander pope once wrote, “Tis not a lip, or eye, we beauty call, but the joint force and full result of all.

19- “

20- pope John Paul II was shot and wounded as he drove through a crowd in St.

21- Peter’s Square in Rome in 1981.

22- According to one source, pope John Paul II at one time wanted to be an actor, but then finally opted for the church.

23- In 1791, the pope became angered by a declaration made in France stating that the clergy was to be subject to civil law.

24- In 1492, pope Innocent VIII drank the blood of three young donors thinking it would prevent aging, but died shortly after.

25- There was an observatory in the Vatican City until 1936 when light pollution forced the pope‘s astronomers out of the city.

26- pope John once remarked that the true and solid peace of nations consists not in equality of arms, but in mutual trust alone.

27- pope John Paul II once noted that social justice cannot be attained by violence.

28- Violence kills what it intends to create.

29- mercy

30- The meeting of Mikhail Gorbachev and the pope in December of 1989 was described as the end of 72 years of Kremlin atheist ideology.

31- A recent study suggests that many peole in this country ignore the pope as irrelevant when he preaches on individual and public morality.

32- pope John-Paul once said that to have a happy family, each member of the family has to become, in a special way, the servant of the others.

33- The pope‘s visit to former concentration camps in Poland was an important step in the process of reconciliation between Jews and Catholics.

34- pope John Paul II once said that war should belong to the tragic past, to history: it should find no place on humanity’s agenda for the future.

35- In 1172, pope Alexander III declared Henry II to be the rightful sovereign of Ireland, and it took seven and a half centuries for the Irish to regain their freedom.

36- pope John Paul II once stated, “We thus denounce the false and dangerous programme of the arms race, of the secret rivalry between peoples for military superiority.

37- “

38- When the pope refused King Henry VIII’s request for a divorce, Henry broke with the Catholic church, and established the Church of England with himself as head.

39- require

40- pope John Paul II once said that young people are threatened by the evil use of advertising techniques that stimulate the natural inclination to avoid hard work by promising the immediate satisfaction of every desire.

41- I’m sure its just a coincidence that pope Francis comes from Flores.

42- Here the pope is acting as the physician, diagnosing a sick patient.

43- The Olivia pope actress isn’t a newcomer to cover controversy.

44- Many were perched atop cars and climbed trees for a view of the pope.

45- Other Catholics, though, were eagerly awaiting the pope‘s encyclical.

46- According to the Vatican, 1 million people turned out to see the pope.

47- Lois pope has recently donated two Lois pope Red Star Rescue Vehicles.

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